
I've always found Barrow the vilest because in Gallinger you can see that he's often trying to do what he considers the right thing, it's just that his values are horrifying and wrong and he's not the strongest of men psychologically. Barrow is just pure dumb, self-serving greed. I want someone to pull out ALL his

I have a similar feeling. Eleanor is clearly a fighter despite her issues, she'll find a way to come back somehow.

He did notice and ask about it in one of the previous episodes. Thack explained away as having some stomach issues.

Am I the only one who's scared that Gallinger will just avoid the society drama by passing off the sister as Eleanor, since they're identical? I mean, there has to be a point ot them being identical, he even commented on it at the end of the episode.

THANK YOU. Finally someone who agrees with me. And I love how her straightforward assertiveness and sorta-bitchiness plays off against his quiet and gentle patience… I think they're the perfect opposites. Especially since it was about time that someone stood up for Algie instead of flushing him down the drain the

I think we saw a part of that story when we saw them go out and dance in that one episode… their relationship is just like that, they argue and then they are charmed by each other and then they argue again… I've been in that type of relationship enough to be able to intuit how they function xD

Yes, I always recall that season 1 scene where she tells Thack about her love for horror novels or something. She was always fascinated by dark and gruesome things, I believe that's why she came to NY in the first place.

Wow, that… explains things that I never got about my exes quite well.

Wow that was very… harsh? The same could be said for women who have children in their late thirties/early fourties and somehow I don't think you would call THEM decrepit.. No one deserves to be called decrepit for wanting children, if they're aware of the risks and willing to accept it, I say go for it :/

First, I think the "are you pregnant yet?" was a joke on his part. And yeah, they don't love each other at all and are very bland together, but he doesn't seem like a bad person, just a dull one.

She probably spent the original hundred on Thack's drugs… that's how I recall it, at least.

I don't think Gallinger will be putting that bottle back because the curari in it isn't right.

I got the feeling Eleanor did that.

In all fairness, I believe that Gallinger was a fairly competent surgeon until he began losing his place to Algie, which is when he got neglectful and probably more actively racist than he was originally. I mean, nearly everyone is casually racist in this show (until they meet Algie, at least), Gallinger just has the

Uh, Wu doesn't think of Lucy, it IS Lucy. That's how she paid for the dress.