
I expect that the ending of this episode ties into the "experimental" next ones, which will probably show Lucifer's take on Jesus's 40 days in the desert or something abstract and supernatural like that. I'm really hoping that doing what he has in this episode (both giving the Goddess a new universe and finally

The sequence in this episode still doesn't fit that, because we find Syd's body exactly where the Shadow King left it.

Exactly! The scenes where SK is being sucked out shouldn't be trusted because the fact that Lenny simply disappears altogether is *precisely why the whole sucking out process didn't work*. It just removes the bits SK had tapered with or influenced without replacing it with reality/anything else, so David's memories of

I don't think this is possible, as Syd spent days with the Summerland people in ep 1 in between the kiss incident and them rescuing David from Divison 3. I don't think that she would have been able to be away and autonomous for that long were she a manifestation of David's mind.

Not only am I very attracted to men, I am also in a long-term relationship with a guy very similar in appearance (blonde, pale, lanky, high cheekbones) to the actors in this film and I still couldn't keep them apart until 2/3ds into the movie.

They actually gives us a throwaway line on why Barry didn't call.. apparently no one even noticed that Black Siren escaped, since she "didn't tip off any alarms" xD

I think that what makes you mature is encountering obstacles, growing attached to people and losing them, not having everything go your way, etc. - just generally having to adapt to the world and realize that you're not the center of it while maintaining some semblance of emotional stability.

By the time that he's off the drugs, Mycroft already had his spooks run through the flat and change a lot. After all his recent adventures with trippy hallucinations, Sherlock naturally has a bit of self-doubt.

Didn't they destroy the Pit after Sara got resurrected?

Actually, you don't have to make it up as you go along, you can also make it up first and then go along with writing it :) makes for somewhat more reasonable plotting that way :)

If you have to ignore parts of history in order for the themes of race and class to make sense, then those themes aren't as accurate or at least as universal as you claim them to be :)

As a psychologist/psychotherapist, what Algie's doing is definitely not a layman's task, especially at the time. Don't belittle my profession, thank you :)

We saw a couple of more Slavic people on the Knick, like patients and such. I recall some of the people Spade was throwing out in S1 being Slavic and at least one sick Slavic mother had her child translating for her. I catch those things because I'm Slavic and I like to see us represented :)

He did continue doing it with the engagement ring. He took their money - half of it was hers, mind - and spent it on something she didn't approve of because he knew she'd turn around eventually and he thought it best for her.

I think it's betrayal of the exact same sort as the excommunication, actually. It shows that he doesn't care what SHE currently wants or thinks, because he knows what's good for her and what she really wants and she'll turn around eventually.

I wouldn't say that she's /serving/ him because there's no indication of that anywhere - in fact, he seems to be pampering and serving HER, but I do agree that what he did was terrible and undermines the entire relationship.

I'm not a surgeon but it seemed ludicrous to me, too. Especially since any other surgeon in the city, such as Zinberg, could have said, "For Christ's sake, man, I'll do it your way, just stop with this madness" and Thack originally wanted Zinberg in the first place.

God, I know a lot of people love Cornelia but she is such a dumb idiot most of the time. What did she THINK Henry would do? Be a little more covert, goddamit!

Or Phillip knows about it and that's why he's insisting that Cornelia comes with him ASAP, but can't tell her outright because he knows that she'll incriminate the entire family by going to the police or something similar. He may have been trying to save both her and the family reputation..

And Eleanor's child turns out to be infinitely healthier/better behaved/everything better than Dorothy's.