
That doesn’t look like any Cars and Coffee I have ever seen, and yet, here, quite clearly is a Ford veering towards people. How bizarre

Helpful comments chief.

A properly tested system is beta than the alternative!

Looks like one of those body worlds exhibits where they plasticize various human systems for display. Also looks about as intuitive and easy to work on as a human system!

Rally Driving can be really hard on cars, almost as bad as a war, saw many vehicles in a pole ing condtion after the last rally I went to.

Thats adoorable!

I wonder if there is a Hoverboard equivalent of 24 Hours of Le Mans. I feel like that would be very entertaining. Imagine the crashes, the pit stops, the breakdowns, the battery packs catching fire and exploding as racers push to extract every last drop of power out of their boards. I would watch the hell out of that!

Nice to see they don’t participate in the "our cars only" policy for workers like the Big 3. Mind you that would be a pretty amazing parking lot too!

Old Top Gear was going to test driving while servicing, but even though Richard practiced for weeks, the test was not done.

This is an article about F1, even so, when I read “Good news” I immediately assumed there was going to be something about the Dacia Sandero in this article. Disappointed.

It was an important detail they had to get right before the finished the movie.

Producer Requirements: Jaw/nose of steel, thick skin

Really? Tarring with a broad brush much? This is one idiot who doesn’t get it, I have honestly never met a man who did this, and as a man I can say it is not something I would ever think to do. Gross generalizations are just that, gross.

Bruce Dickinson must be testing out a new tour plane!

Creamsicle? Looks more like the unfavorable variety of skid mark to me!

The reason most motors fail after as little as 200,000km is that owners regularly forget to properly fill the oil. The correct fill level is to the top of the filler cap. Manufacturers put those guide marks on the dipstick to ensure drivers maintain enough oil so the engine keeps running, but not enough to allow it to

Pretty much, although more likely eyeing their market share than the actual company in this case.

Maybe the other auto makers were playing the long con, the Engineers suspected what was up, reported it to Corporate/Legal, who concluded there would be a competitive advantage to the eventual discovery of VW's scheme, so they stayed quiet. Or to put it in flow chart form: Step 1: Discover cheating, Step 2: Await

Cost cutting suggestion for Mitsubishi: save money on electricity by not inflating the tires of their vehicles sent for testing to higher than needed pressure. It's always the little things that save the most money!

My wife has her mothers as well, it approximately the same vintage and in way worse shape than yours!