Kiss me, Hardy!

People say the most awful things to people with cancer. Well, they say the most awful things all the time to everyone, but you really notice it when you’re covered in scabs from chemo injections. A friend of mine looked me deeply in the eyes and asked, “What have you done to bring this into your life?” I told her I

I just want Mulan. That doesn’t seem like too much to ask. But I have high expectations for whoever plays Shang that better be met.

Rami Malek can dance (and apparent sing, they cast him in the Freddie Mercury biopic and he’ll be singing in it) and he is beautiful and charming. They should cast him.

It would be awesome if Zayn Malik could get his shit together and get on this, stat. Before anyone yells, I know first hand that overcoming mental illness isn’t a matter of willpower - I think it would just be great is all. And he is so nice to look at - especially if they take some makeup to all those tattoos of

 Either way, it’s crucial that the male lead not be white:

Aladdin aside, I would also watch this movie.

He already has a monkey!

I feel like David Brooks would be Lena Dunham if he was a millennial woman. Like, they both have good intentions but the execution leaves SO MUCH to be desired, largely because I think they don’t interact with anyone outside their social bubbles (and the rare times they do, they talk/write about it like out of touch

Zayn Malik?

Did we learn nothing from Hamilton??? Someone put Lin in charge of casting this, it’ll be done in a week.

Yes, please.

jesus fuck riz ahmed is so ridiculously good-looking, my god

I admit I would be considered “a poor” but wtf kind of sandwich place was this?? It’s not just that the ingredients were fancier (uh, are they?), of course she didn’t know what the sandwiches were when the place made up their own god damn names for them. If I make a sandwich called, “David Brooks Smells his own

I think there’s a way he even could have included this anecdote that would have been not horrible — if it had been about his mortification at being a poor host, and not hers about being A Poor, and him realizing that as an out-of-touch rich guy he has no idea how to code-switch.

Instead he chose to be the assiest of

Would you write about it in a condescending article in one of the nation’s major newspapers, though? That’s the important question.

Links to fake NSA Docs:

Way OT, but did anybody see this guy from ABC (Aussie Broadcast Co) absolutely demolish Trump at the G20?

I have had a foster dog for 3 years. He can’t leave, and I can’t formally adopt him yet because of his behavioral issues. He was gentle and friendly in the shelter— because he’s an extremely sensitive dog, and when you separate him from me, he shuts right down. The rescue and I have worked with 3 dog trainers, and

Eh. My mom got the sweetest dog at the shelter about a year and a half ago, and eventually he turned into a growler and a biter and a dog with food aggression. Through multiple trainers and boardings, she’s finally looking to re-home him. It really does happen.