Kiss me, Hardy!

I do online tutoring/test prep, and I was surprised to learn how rigorous UK schools are compared to U.S. schools. Not only are they more rigorous, but the assignments are much more relevant to the “real world.” When I took a marketing class in the US, it was all multiple-choice tests on theories from the textbook.

What a lovely group of people. Show’s how little they know of the word “fraternity” when they abandon someone to die simply because they’re cowards.

I don’t think a single person would be negatively effected if fraternities and sororities were all permanently disbanded forever. 

Laurie Penny’s articles about Milo should be required reading:

The reason no one mentions the dead man’s crimes is that they are irrelevant to the way he was treated while in custody. 

And when they get on, they leave your ass for a White girl.” 

Donald Trump: orders women to pee on a mattress.

Twitter wins:


He is a true treasure and hero. I teared up at the part where he writes that no one is considering the moral obligation to make the primary objective maibtaing the agency of the woman above all else. To consider what’s best for the woman, an actual person, and not the fetus she is carrying. It is atually jarring to

Bingo. That was the moment where I outright gasped aloud. The whole statement is insane, but there is no interpretation of “Hitler wasn’t using the gas on his own people” that isn’t massively antisemitic (not to mention massively ableist, homophobic, racist in general, etc.). 

Yes, but by the time they were gassed or otherwise exterminated, German Jews weren’t citizens anymore! In November 1941, all German Jews wherever they lived were deprived of citizenship. So that made it OK, because they were stateless, and no longer his own people! This is my mother’s alien registration card from

Thanks for covering the book and Dr. Parker! I used to be a patient escort at one of the clinics where he practices. The red tape the clinic owner had to go through just to allow him to practice there was absolutely infuriating.

The thing that will never, ever stop baffling me is how so many Christians don’t seem to, like, actually read the bible. Or make the effort to understand what it’s saying. Because Exodus 21 shows the clear difference between penalties for loss of human life vs. destruction of property over and over.


Really good interview Prachi. I’m glad that there are people like Dr. Parker who are so eloquent and outspoken about an important issue like keeping choice.

Anti-choicers LIE - it can never be about “babies,” no matter how much they shout, because they don’t recognize the rights of WOMEN (grown babies).

This man...this man. He is so important right now, and I commend him. His voice needs to be heard, especially in the Black community. Many people are falling for the “Planned Parenthood was created to kill Black babies” story put out by conservatives. I know educated, intelligent Black women who think Planned

Willie Parker is a hero. He does a world of good here in his home state where his services are so badly needed. I’ve been a fan since this Esquire profile.

This man is a hero. The courage it must take to be an outspoken and highly-visible abortion provider in this day and age, when you have seen your colleagues killed, and in the face of rabid anti-choice activists and legislation, is tremendous. I fervently wish for his continued safety.