Kiss me, Hardy!

As my Papa, may he rest in peace, used to say: “I get the feeling that boy’s family tree is just a stump.”

Do you understand the kind of brainwashing that woman has been subject to for her entire life? People in Quiverfull circles actually think that divorce is worse than murder. She’s under incredible pressure from both sides of the family to “forgive” him. And since she’s probably been homeschooled her entire life until

Heh. You reminded me of a novel I just finished reading, male author with a female protagonist. I’m pretty sure he thought he was being super edgy by talking about her urinating and defecating and sweating and even at time vomiting... yet somehow this adult female character with all her explicit bodily functions never

What about those parents who are aborting a desperately wanted baby and just wanted to save their fatally ill child the pain that the fatal condition was causing? The people who just want to hold their kid for as long as they can because that’s all that can be done?

“And we’ve got this great new healthcare bill that will make sure Medicaid covers none of it, too!”- this prick

Funny, a large number of pro-life advocates show little to no indication that they possess anything greater than a brain stem, and yet nobody’s ever performed any medical intervention on them.

Ah yes, let’s have women go to nursing homes for mammograms, the dentist for Pap smears and whatever the fuck else.

Here’s to re-using pullups when they are dry. I totally did that. No shame.

Being that I don’t mind spoilers, in Trainspotting 2: Drunken Scottish Gibberish Bugaloo, does Renton choose life?

Please don’t in public. My Irish husband’s #1 pet peeve is, “Why do Americans think it’s okay to do the lucky charms accent?” It’s not cool.

Yeah I would think that, I don’t know, becoming a Marine is perhaps more difficult than just, like, not raping people? Or posting pictures on the internet without their consent? One of those involves a really high level of skill, dedication, mental fortitude, and physical fitness and the other......literally requires

If that means that kids from all over the country will compete to change my kids’ shit, I’m in.

Potty training is such a (excuse the pun) crap shoot. Some kids get a sticker chart and are golden, some kids just decide their done one day and that’s it (mine would have wallowed in her own crapulence forever, I’m convinced), some just need a few packs of m&m’s, some succumb to peer pressure, some need a little

And after Mother is done with the potty-training, she can get to work on cooking supper! And she’ll wash the dishes while Father watches the game.

I have a friend who waited until her son was ready to potty train. Unfortunately, the cat had not waited. Her first clue that diapers were no longer going to be as necessary was her little boy squatting down in the litterbox to poop.

Ditto. I made it clear to my employers that I will not be doing any travels to the US (from Canada) until they completely reverse their policy.

No you’re right, I forgot how steeped in African American and drag culture our universities are. I’m sorry I said that Australians lack subtlety when annoyed.

If an Australian insults you there is no uncertainty about what has just happened. Ever. To illustrate below is a selection of Australian insults from a former Prime Minister.

The Good Wife writers do a “ripped from the headlines” thing occasionally anyway. They trolled Glee pretty hard in the Thicky Trick episode, which was a direct analogue to when Jonathan Coulton sued them for using his cover of Baby Got Back note for note (the show in Alicia’s Chicago was called “Show Choir” or

That photo of the President visiting a mosque in Baltimore is just heart-rending. That was a year ago and what do you think those kids are thinking now?