Kiss me, Hardy!

Id really like if more of the juvenile justice system were things like this. Throwing kids into detention centers rarely makes them into better citizens (surprise surprise); Id much rather see a focus on service and education that helps tie kids into the community.

My kiddo’s school has an entire week dedicated to computer safety. I asked at the community council meeting if they were addressing online harassment, because the entire description seems to focus on porn and websites with “swears.” They talk about it— as a secondary. I hate this conservative state and its focus on

Speaking of fascism. These are foreign policy officials, experts, who are telling the president “This policy is dangerous, it undermines our mission,” using a legitimate channel for which they are supposed to be clearly legally protected from retaliation. And there is his mouthpiece with an open threat for anyone

Yep, let’s keep out rich, tax-paying long-time residents (not sure if he has a Green Card, but he could normally get one at the drop of a hat).

If you ever want to fuck up the US economy, pull a surprise immigration ban with NO notice, NO preparation and NO instructions. The airlines are pissed, Google and Microsoft are pissed (one of Google’s founders went to the SFO protest), universities are pissed, sports leagues (there are NBA players from Sudan) are

Anyone with the “wrong” passport is going to have to find a way to get where they need to go without connecting flights via the USA.

You’re presuming that anyone in Comrade Cheetolini’s inner circle gave even a first thought to what the reaction would be. This is pure id from an astoundingly petty excuse for a human being who has surrounded himself with sycophants, issuing dictatorial edicts written by a neo-nazi and being enabled by a republican

The stories of refugees who have already been approved and were literally getting on the plane for a new life today and we’re barred break my heart. I cannot imagine the amount of disappointment and terror that these people are going through. Or the anticipation that they must have felt, followed by complete and total

Great news, although the caveats, but...

I’m just heading home from O’Hare. It was awesome. We probably had 3-5k people turn up. We. Shut. Shit. Down.

Yay, but how long is it gonna take to wind through the courts? :/

As the daughter of Syrian and Iraqi immigrants (and with refugee family who managed to get in under the wire), thank you for saying this. I have nothing but disdain for the backstabbers who valued their sanctimony over the rights of my family.

Looks like the irony is lost on the the Orange One since he chose Holocaust Remembrance Day day to sign his deplorable edict.

For someone who claims to love the military, he’s certainly doing everything he can to put their lives in danger. I’m not just talking about international resentment. NO ONE will inform on Isis for our military, translate for our military, or give support to our military if they think this is how they and their

I think DoD is sophisticated enough to manage shade and a PSA at the same time...come on guys.

Department of Defense:

The ex husband wanted a vasectomy more than oxygen but the clinic he went to (Air Force) started playing the whole “you’re too young, you don’t have kids yet” game. Basically he was getting blown off. He stormed out angry and frustrated someone was telling him how to handle his reproductive life (haha familiar). Then

My bestie is adopted. There are blessings to it, but also really big challenges. It’s hard being an adopted kid, even when your home life is absolutely ideal (and where/when has that ever happened in the history of time?). Other close friends are trying to adopt right now, so I’m watching the whole thing play out from

“Those are our babies too!”

Once in a PP I stood behind a poor young man whose roommate’s ex girlfriend had purportedly slathered random objects in their shared apartment with gonorhea infected vaginal secretions. Apparently it was a bad break up. This poor dude had no insurance.