Kiss me, Hardy!

I’m going to ignore the more egregious dig at Brody Jenner because it is not 2006.

OK but the act of putting a pic of trudeau next to a pic of trump is shade, right?

The book was so bad, I couldn’t even finish the free sample on my Kindle. It read like it was written by Donald Trump bad.

#TeamDornan. I don’t even know why. I haven’t seen the movie. I haven’t read the book. I know nothing about these people. I don’t really care. I don’t even know why I’m tying this. Am I just crying out into the void, hoping to reach another soul in this vast, ephemeral cybercosmos? Am I even real myself, or

You’re making an important and valuable point but I forgot what it is because THAT PICTURE.


i had a baby that was stillborn. a relative said “arent you happy she is with jesus now?” nevermind that im not religious. who the fuck thinks thats what a grieving mother wants to hear?

National Suicide Hotline: 1-800-273-8255

I had to pay 30 dollars. Chump change to the complete bill. I barely had enough cash for it. Thanks Obama!! I’m going to miss you so fucking much.

For a woman in the midst of withstanding attacks and preparing for another massive fight, something I’m sure she’s been ready for for ages, she seems so calmly intense. Graceful yet assertive in her words. But to so many, she’s a villain and represents evil.

I am one of those people who went to PP for an IUD this month. They were almost booked solid for the entire month of January when I scheduled my IUD 2 days after the election.

If the GOP insists they’re the party of fiscal responsibility and want to reduce government spending, they should be providing MORE money to Planned Parenthood so that women of all income levels can afford birth control.

I got mine last month- and of the $700+ bill, all but $7 was covered. Thanks Obamacare! No, seriously, THANKS.

She got nearly 3 million more votes than he did. When foreigners start talking about how “America” voted, they need to remember that. What America deserves is a better electoral system.

The best I can translate it (as someone who actually tries to listen to these fucks) is thus: “The Left bringing up issues of injustice and discrimination constantly and without end is why Donald Trump got elected. And if the Left doesn’t understand why we’re sick of hearing about them, and how you can talk to us

She deserves to lead a country that is smart enough to elect her over a spoiled 4 year old in a man’s body. America proved that it does not deserve her.

My winner.

Christian Siriano annoyed the shit out of me on his season, but I like him now. (That season was ages ago, so I think part of it is that he’s just grown up.) He really puts his money where his mouth is when it comes to dressing a diverse crop of women.

Yeah, fuck this shit. As a young girl growing up in India, even with a progressive family, I received NO info about periods. I got my cues from equally misinformed peers and you can imagine what theories a bunch of scared 12 year olds came up with. When I got my period, despite their best intentions, my parents told

Yes, thank you for such an amazing response.