Except chromosomes aren’t infallible indicators of phenotype.
Except chromosomes aren’t infallible indicators of phenotype.
Intracardiac injection of a mixture of KCL and Fentanyl prior to D&E or induction of labour would probably count, as would any IV opioid for the woman, as it would cross the placenta.
Having one’s labia glued together until you pee would be much more distracting than using a menstrual cup.
You can.
Your doula friend is only partially correct.
I wonder how differently Ms McCorvey’s life would have turned out had she been able to access the medical care she wanted when she wanted it.
But even if FGM was delayed until adulthood, performed in sterile conditions by trained doctors so it was as safe ad possible and if the patients”consented” (because of societal pressure to be cut within their cultures ) we would still decry it as a massive abuse of human rights and the height of misogyny.
IME Psychosexual therapists are a very openminded bunch, and just because they might not have had much opportunity to work outside the Cis-het box doesn’t mean that they aren’t happy to.
Psychodynamic psychotherapy, not CBT might be a better fit for you.
Actually, elective clitoral hood eduction is EXACTLY the same procedure as one form of FGM.
As the owner of asymmetrical labia who has an average of 10-15 orgasms every time I have sex with my husband, I don’t care what it looks like, because it works fantastically.
Have you considered seeing a psychosexual therapist?
One of the joys of motherhood that no one mentions is that being accompanied everywhere you go by small snotty humans almost guarantees that you won’t get hit on by people like this guy.
Oh yeah- back to the gym at eight weeks (I had CSections both times or it would have been sooner) and everything was back to normal by six months.
By 8 months in both pregnancies my kids were squashing my lungs and I got winded just climbing a flight of stairs, also SPD made walking very painful.
Mo Farah is affected.
DHS/TSA have serious issues understanding the concept of “in transit” anyway.
LAX and the NY airports are some of the biggest hubs in the world.
My husband is really annoyed with me.