Kiss me, Hardy!

Esmya is the new kid on the block for fibroids. It is Ulipristal, a cousin of mifepristone (RU486) and blocks the hormones that cause fibroids to grow. You take 5mg every day to manage fibroids.

Yuna’s is a very chic look-you wouldn’t necessarily realise that it is a deliberately modest one at first glance.

His new self help book can best be summed up as “suck it up princess, the universe doesn’t owe you shit and positive thinking won’t change dick”.

That is Russell Tovey.

Fiona Shaw (Aunt Petunia from Harry Potter movies) is probably the actress who physically is closest to Isabella, and has the acting chops to pull it off, but as she is actually the same age as Isabella will probably be considered too old.


Roast the squash, tomatoes and carrots with coriander seed.

But they *weren’t* appropriate .

If you ever have another speculum examination ask for a medium speculum and ask to insert and open it yourself.

“We’d be more than happy to help Mr. Trump dress better—because at the end of the day, we all have to look at him.”

There was a recent study comparing Haredi Jewish babies in London and Israel. These particular groups were chosen because they have very similar genetic backgrounds, lifestyles and rates of food allergies.

Would you be happy leaving your partner in charge of your six kids after they have been smoking?

There was an interview around the time of Inglorious Basterds about him and QT sitting on the terrace outside Brad’s French Chateau and drinking multiple bottles of wine.

Brad and Angeline combined have assets similar to the GDP of a small country.

Weird, he’s replacing Boy George, who has just produced the comeback album for Marilyn. Marilyn is Rossdale’s ex boyfriend.

She was at BBC Radio 1 being interviewed by Scott Mills yesterday, for those able to access the BBC radio iPlayer.

My Workplay Goddess III is AMAZING.

Trump talks about making America “great” again.

Dear Undecided Americans,

Do you know how many teenage cancer survivors I have treated as patients who are smokers?