Way not the point but her outfit is so great. Also she is fantastic in this interview.
Way not the point but her outfit is so great. Also she is fantastic in this interview.
This book sounds exhausting.
as I get older I have gone from “not a fan of capitalism” to “capitalism is the rot at the heart of America that underpins all of our other shitty behaviors and excesses” and I’m still waiting for proof otherwise
I would bet that Walmart or even Amazon would be willing to pay more in litigation than it would cost to pay their employees $15/hour, just to prove a point.
You’re not an Onion writer, this was neither clever or funny and you just sound stupid and defensive now. But what else should I expect from a religious bigot.
An atheist doesn't think everything is for nothing as a nihilist would. I think you legit believe that though and truly meant you jesus statement. Not great dude.
and you know that atheists aren’t nihilists, right?
There are a bunch of states that have a higher minimum wage now than the current federal minimum, so yes, some most certainly will. In any event, the sort of locality-based approach would require a level of detail that I’m not sure makes sense with legislation.
If your concern is that $15 isn’t enough for some areas, there is nothing about setting the federal minimum wage prevents any state or locality from making it higher.
Putting it in the same sentence as also needing “an emancipation decree” implies that it is not sarcasm, unless you also were about that part.
I’m all for a minimum wage increase but I continue to find it vexing that it won’t be tied to local cost of living. $15 an hour in Manhattan or downtown San Francisco is a world different from $15 an hour in rural Arkansas. I’m sure messaging is easier to tie the federal effort to one number everyone can understand…
The last thing a victim of abuse needs is Jesus or any church.
I did ponder your comments. And I will say this. The US deployed forces to hunt Bin Laden and execute him. It was considered a just act and Americans generally seemed pretty satisfied with the outcome. You think Trump is any better. He is not. In some ways he is even worse because he has tried to foment the collapse…
Everyone paying taxes should be up with pitchforks and torches demanding an wage minimum that allows basic living standards.
I have the exact same problem. I have a cousin I grew up admiring. I’m four or five years younger and they served as kind of an aspirational role model for me - excellent at school, went to a great college, career driven after graduation. They’re now c-suite at a pharmaceutical company. Objectively, they are doing…
oh they have enough money to at least stifle press about it. and it’s still cheaper than $15/hr per employee.
But they have to use super scummy tactics to stop it. That at least gives them bad press.
The thing is most major corporations (in the us) won’t let unions happen to save a metric fuckton of money.
Please unionize. I made$7.33 an hour and when we unionized we went to $15.25, plus other benefits. This was many years ago, so the $15 was a huge deal.
Since the fateful day Ted Cruz announced his now-suspended presidential campaign, his daughters Caroline Cruz, age…