
A single drink over the course of a meal is, imo, an acceptable amount to drink and then drive afterwards, assuming the meal is of sufficient length to metabolize the alcohol (not talking about scarfing something, knocking back a drink and then climbing in the car).

Thanks for this, I hadn’t seen it.

Is it really unhealthy though, or does it just make a fearsomely murderous immune system that much more badass? I go back and forth between ‘cut off the bad piece’ and ‘ew toss it’ but I bet I’ve eaten a goodly amount of nasty hyphae in my short time on this earth. It seems good to avoid it more for the grossout

Ughhh. He is such enraging garbage. Thank you for recounting the story.

I will attend your party. It can’t come too soon.

If I may ask— what was the worst thing he did? (Ignore this question if the answer would be doxxing.)

Right? I almost like when they come out blazing like that. The stupidity is forehead-slapping, but it saves time and energy.

Awww, I was so mad at people like you back in the day, yet doing my own dumb stuff. Youth is a hell of a thing, glad you came around.

They didn’t offer you a sedative beforehand? That’s kind of terrible practice, because it helps to be calm for the procedure. Even if you have only one job (look straight at the light) it’s good to not be in panic mode because MY EYES WHAT HAVE I DONE.

When I saw him, my LASIK surgeon had just gotten an award for doing his 16,000th procedure and he had it displayed on the wall. He was also in the practice of trying to fix cut-rate LASIK jobs done elsewhere that had ruined people’s... corneas iirc? Thinned them out too much maybe? It was very reassuring. However,

I googled cheese rolling and read about the cheese rolling festival and I still don’t understand what I’m seeing here. Is the slope deceptively steep as they chase the cheese/foam thingie, or are they all drunk and intentionally going head over teakettle, or both?

Sometimes the pile of intervention saves lives, and sometimes it causes terrible harm.

Ohhh, Mike Tyson Mysteries.

Hospital births are not ideal either, for the opposite reason— cascading, often unnecessary interventions. Childbirth is never perfectly safe no matter where you are. Most home births go okay, as do most hospital births.

Holy shit I’m lmao. What a fantastic birth story! You are just... wow. Badass. Also your toddler is hilarious.

Oooof. Thank you for posting this. These should be everywhere.

Uhhh, reminder, the people voted against Trump. He lost the popular vote by 3 million.

WOW. That gif. Just wow.

To protect property rights. The 1% needs to have their stuff safe!

Oh, I agree 100%. I didn’t intend to sound approving, I think it’s some bullshit and that SCOTUS decision was absolutely appalling. The case that decided it was awful too in its circumstances. Cops in this country are out of control, and the “good” ones protect the bad ones so really, how good are the good ones? Imo