
This is just... grotesque. On all the levels.

Yeah, that’s me and my spouse, too. I’m the unhealthy-levels-of-gamer in our house, but jesus christ, you have to pay attention to and love the person you marry. In my experience, if you marry the right person, i.e. your BFF that you also enjoy having sex with, this is easysauce—even with your hobby/vocation/gamer

Damn, I’m sorry.

I like a treadmill laptop shelf so one can play (WoW in my case) and walk at the same time. Then, and only then, do I not notice I’m exercising.

Oooh that’s a good idea, thank you!

Awww, no hate for the good peeps! Sorry if it sounded like I was dissing all grayed people collectively; I just saw a cluster of troll comments and gross haters trying to shit-stir one after another and was glad they were ignored. I didn’t get to your comment though, if it was up, and I have all the empathy for the

Holy crap! Unbelievably intrusive. I would have been so freaked out.

Isn’t his tongue always kind of a penis? Disclaimer: I am familiar with Venom mostly from Dark Reign/Dark Avengers comics, so what do I know. But I remember the artists kinda playing that up like all the time.

Very interesting.

I am so proud of everyone for leaving the pile of shitty grayed dicks to languish in said grays so the rest of us can have an actual thoughtful discussion! Well done team.

Nurses at the hospital where my kids were born cautioned us to not clip their tiny nails until some later date, and they advised me biting my girls’ nails if I was comfortable with that. I was like, wow, weird, okay, thanks!

I’ve wondered this about Donnie Darko.

Plus Shuri calling him ‘colonizer.’ ahahaha.

Well yeah, you’re reading another person’s sexual fantasies, but when the work is well written, and the reader and the writer have the same or very similar ideas about what’s hot, it’s A+ simpatico delight.

Idk, I just googled pics of him and he doesn’t look bad at all imo. Not many people clear their mid-50's with their girlish good looks intact.

This is a thing of silly beauty and my life has been enriched watching it. Thank you.

Yeah, application fees are a thing. Some applicants qualify for a certain number of need-based fee waivers, but most have to pony up.

I don’t know if this has changed with the universal application, or common application, or whatever they call it now, but applying to colleges used to be a giant pain in the ass. Some kids (hi there) apply to as few as possible because laziness, and no one ever questions them. If this exceptional kid had the

That’s terrifying. I’d be skittish going outside my house for weeks or months after something like that happening. I’m so sorry.