
Awww the headline immediately made me think of Lindy, wonderful Lindy! Is it weird that I want to read how long Lindy would last, and how she would falter in this situation? I know she’s not here any more but I mean, she calls herself loud in her book title for goodness’ sake. I miss reading her more regularly.

Me neither but I kinda want to star it?

This comment made me feel warm and fuzzy as few political thoughts do these days. I mean, I know this stuff already but just to see it tidily and confidently written up like that is lovely. Yay!

Yes! I didn’t want to feel like a philistine being like CHEESE, but yes. Cheese. I’m happy with a nice blend of cheddar and monterey jack or cheap nacho cheese sauce, I’m not picky.

Yeah maybe but an awful lot of people could benefit from that class these days.

I’ve been pondering this question on and off for at least two hours (ETA: apparently not quite that long) and... I doubt it? If only because Weasel was a pretty auxiliary character in the first movie. And because film boycotts never seem to get very far? But who knows.

A+ use of Dawson. I see your Dawson and raise you a sad Kimber.

Also the lulziest malware. I mean there’s nothing funny about malware, but this comes close.

I feel you because he’s Weasel and I adore Weas. When he was cast in Deadpool I didn’t think Miller looked at all right for the part, I wanted Jay Baruchel to get it because ayyy favorite characters, but Miller was great, dorky and cute and I came to feel very affectionately towards him. And ever since, it seems like

Oh my god, this chart. The headline dropped my jaw as things rarely do, mostly for the stupidity/arrogance of putting the shitty agenda out there honestly like this asshole did, but wow, this chart. Just... wow.

I gather Aramark does decent hospital food. I imagine it’s mostly the prison meals where they’re serving garbage food, because it’s prison and they can, no one on the outside cares.

This is the worst take

Reading that first paragraph made my stomach turn because your words absolutely conjured up the discomfort of being offered ‘fine’ food that you do not want and yet feel obliged to eat. Yikes. Um... well written.

Googling Chartwells now

That was a wonderful article. Dismal content obviously, but excellent incisive stuff. Thank you for reposting it here.

My pleasure!

I am assuming sincerity and so—thanks!

Bringing one’s own tupperware for leftovers never occurred to me, but it’s a really good idea for diners and stuff. Styrofoam is the worst and it takes up a ton of space in the fridge and subsequently the garbage can. I need to start doing this.

Can confirm it is a thing and it’s delightful!