Oh, I’m sure you’re right. It’s just a shame. The right hand was so delightfully good, but the left hand dropped the ball.
Oh, I’m sure you’re right. It’s just a shame. The right hand was so delightfully good, but the left hand dropped the ball.
The fans at our local McDonalds’ (not far from our house, we were lucky) were a bustling but civil crowd, not badly behaved at all. We didn’t get ‘the’ sauce but we got the McD’s signature sauce and it was pretty good. McDonalds really bungled the part of the advertising where it should have been made clear just how…
The signature sauce was so good! Was it the old Arch Deluxe sauce?
Actually that is really interesting information and I appreciate you sharing it.
You deserve someone awesome. Do not give up. You are not crazy or needy (at least no more than is normal imo), fuck that nonsense right out of here. You know yourself and you sound great and you are 100% right not to settle. I give him a certain amount of credit for ending things rather than perpetually stringing you…
I only just now processed that you both work and are in school. Dude! Go you, seriously.
‘Become a sexy woman to attract women’ is definitely Advice From The Internets (tm).
Omg you’re me from another life! I was doing dating sites on and off (sometimes it’s too damn much and you need a break from the awful people, or at least I did) for 7 years before I met someone I clicked with and fell in love (and had basically my first real relationship). ETA: So many different dating sites. So much…
I... can’t tell how serious you are. But if you are serious rather than trolling, I will say that ugly people can date and marry same as anyone else. Shitty self-esteem is a far more serious problem when trying to date than ugliness.
That is flat-out astonishing.
Starred for that last sentence there. Well done.
You really went all in with that. *impressed*
Your sisters sound horrible. I’m sorry you got a brainful of that self-hate at an impressionable age.
There’s a dreadful asshole named Greg who’s been discussed on a sub-blog, a man-child who behaves appallingly towards someone we like (the poster who knows him). It’s to the point we are worrying about her safety though, so I don’t know if it’s good joke material anymore to be quite honest. But I snerked internally…
I ... want to be like ‘live and let live,’ but I have a strong reaction to hearing about a pro-choice person marrying a forced birther. UGH.
Starred for telling us you would kill us all to get another one.
To me, monogamy is not hard at all. It is by far the easiest and happiest choice for me.
I don’t know the names of most governors, but I was reading your comment and got to “the University of Wisconsin, is loathed by our shitass governor” and went “lol Scott Walker!”
How many years off do you suppose 3D printed make-up being the norm is?