I would like to see ballot initiatives to force guns to be allowed in the state capitol buildings if they’re allowed everywhere else. Because fuck these legislators. They deserve to share the same amount of risk as the rest of us plebes.
I would like to see ballot initiatives to force guns to be allowed in the state capitol buildings if they’re allowed everywhere else. Because fuck these legislators. They deserve to share the same amount of risk as the rest of us plebes.
That is a thoughtful answer. Thank you.
I guess I hoped there was an infinitesimal chance he might have changed his tune after the well-deserved shaming, but I should probably know better. And yeah, no way is someone like that going to do anything quietly, politely or discreetly, so he could only have been more of an obnoxious pain in the ass had you not…
You are a badass and that was an amazing response. Did the jackass leave you a tip after that, or no?
I feel like I’m missing something important—what exactly is the “hack” here? Is he saving money by doing this? What’s the benefit?
Ugh. Yeah, in the books he is SO creepy with her. If anything I feel like they’ve toned down how disturbing Littlefinger is when it comes to Sansa. I don’t think she would marry him though. I think she’s much more likely to murder him, because like you said, dude is teaching her.
Question: when men/boys have been raped on SVU, have the aesthetics, characterizations, plotlines, general treatment of the material been similar to the way these things are for women/girls on the show? Is the presentation of this stuff gritty and horrible, ugly and grim, or is there an element of titillation, or…
Thank you so much for linking these excerpts. Wow.
OHHHHH. Well done.
Why did you fight it? Did you want a divorce instead, or you wanted her to stay in the marriage?
Screening out potential officers for bullying and power-tripping tendencies would make a huge difference.
YES to the pension thing. If police officers felt the monetary penalties for these murders in a way that actually affected them, the whole ‘good cops protecting the awful cops’ thing would diminish and probably pretty fast.
Zomg, I failed to realize that but now that you point it out, of course. Haha. Oh, it’d be funny if this all weren’t so horrifying.
That is so good. UNF. I’m going to steal that should I ever have the misfortune to find out I’m conversing about politics with a Trumpanzee, please and thank you.
I try to focus on the stupidity and evil these fuckwits do rather than their appearances, buuuuut I tittered. Well done.
I just actually lol’ed in delight. Well done and thank you.
Boom shaka laka! Hi, you’re awesome. Thank you for this A+ takedown of that ignorant word barf-up.
It’s the latter! I read an article a few years ago about this very topic... I think http://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2012/08/13/big-med is it. Based on a huge amount of previous years’ data, they figure out exact quantities of ingredients they’ll need, iirc, so very very little food ends up being wasted.
Oh my god... how did the rescuers even get them out?
HOLY CRAP I did not know this was a thing and the pictures are AMAZING.