Kiss-Shot V3

Shouldn’t all those males be locked up for life then before they hurt innocent humans. We should test all men to see if they have that gene and lock away those that do from birth then. If you actually believe what you’re saying then that’s the only logical way to protect the rest of the population.

Yeah, once you’ve worked on programming games enough those sorts of things stop surprising you. So many different systems written by so many different people all working in conjunction... the most subtle interactions can cause a bug.

My guess in this case is they use the same animation data regardless of which side the

All right, everybody, say it with me: SCIENCE IS NOT MORALITY. That’s not what science is FOR. Saying that something naturally happens is not a good way of saying that it should happen. There is no justice in the Earth orbiting the Sun, it simply is. There’s also no fact-based reason why “we shouldn’t rape” is a true

Because a lot of them believe it to be true. They’ve internalized the idea that men are monsters and there’s nothing you can do about it (although, yes, there can be something done about it when they choose to fucking do something about it). These same men go on to teach their daughters that men are monsters and they

Oh man, I just love arguments that boil down to “Men do stupid shit because they are fucking idiots”. But let’s definitely make sure they’re always in power.

I would think future games will keep the title but the setting is very diffirent. Unlike a lot of games it’s pretty easy for Dark Souls to do just that. There isn’t any major characters or enemies is a vital part of the series. Except Patches.

If you grow up in an environment that teaches you that you are entitled to a woman’s body, then yes, it’s possible for a 23-year-old to not know that rape is wrong - because he’s been told his entire life that it is right.

I feel like there are more charitable ways to read this, if you’re inclined to read it charitably. Understandable if you’re not, but for me it’s sometimes just nicer to give the benefit of the doubt and hope it’s warranted in cases like this.

But isn’t that exactly the problem with rape culture? That a lot of people out there don’t think that doing things like this is the same as promoting rape. That it’s so casually promoted that we don’t even think about the impact we’re having on society with our words and actions? How many young men out there gaming

It’s really hard to justify not knowing what he said was an utterly shitty thing at age 23, but I don’t see that apology as blaming someone else. It’s claiming ignorance. I have no desire to associate or endorse anyone who said something like that at that age, apology or not, but it’s not shifting blame.

I can see that, but I also believe him that if he’d had better guidance at the time he wouldn’t have said those things. Maybe because I can remember saying stupid, offensive things when I was younger and being thoughtless, but was smart enough that I should have known better and would have changed my tune if I’d had

Sounds like you had good guidance

So we are not the sum of our life experiences? His upbringing has nothing to do with who he is/was and what he is going to do in the future? Interesting.

I don’t think it’s entirely shifting blame in his apology to claim that he had no guidance. Isn’t that one of the biggest problems with rape culture? That there’s nobody (or too few/quiet people) in the immediate area to tell people “Thatz Not Okay!” when they say asinine shit?

I didn’t read it that way. He didn’t say that a parent or a lack of one was to blame. He just said that he was young not and dumb and that no one had shown him the light yet. I never would’ve rapped anything like that, but I certainly thought shitty thing s until someone showed me or told me that I was wrong. That’s

I was sexually assaulted once in that situation and now I am extremely paranoid, careful, and gun shy. It seems to be working so far because it hasn’t happened again, but it kind of fucking sucks that I have to be that careful and it can be damaging to developing relationships.
(I didn’t even try to pursue any legal

I’ve been sexually assaulted twice in this type of situation, and the worst part is that no matter how up front you were about being asexual (I’m out about it to anyone close and even wear the ace ring), no one supports you.

Sorry to break it to you, you creepy fuckface; but no. You can't decide that a woman's mouth says no but her eyes say yes.

I read that same article, and seriously fuck that woman. If both participants are equally intoxicated, then they either both raped eachother, or nobody raped anybody. You can’t just selectively apply the law like that.

Nah, its cool, since magical gremlins pick up your trash there.