I’m not even saying it negates the truth of what she said happened, but it is very strange and deserves at least to be discussed. I actually DO believe she was assaulted, but I also believe she is a dyed in the wool hysteric and narcissist who really gets off on the public attention.
It’s context as an art piece is well established. I don’t need to reference it in every single comment I make on the subject in order to establish my bonafides.
TBH I don’t disagree with Jerry Seinfeld. I don’t think what he’s referencing is “killing” comedy (that’s an overdramatic characterization; if it was, then why do comedy movies draw millions, comedy TV shows draw millions, comedy specials draw millions?), but I think a specific type of collegiate thinking is creating…
Lol at the idea of more rape because of more oversight on cops. Tighter control on cops is only going to reduce sexual assaults.
Well I’m late to the party AND gray, so we’ll see if this gets anywhere.
I got dumped in February, and discovered I was pregnant and had an abortion in March. It sucked. I seriously thought that me and my ex would end up having kids someday, so to suddenly have that potential possibility combined with him dumping me,…
By the way, the person in the photos is a Japanese singer, Namie Amuro. She’s a 38 year old, mother of an 18 year old, and it’s her 12th album.
Maybe their f’ed religion encourages LOTS of f’ed up behavior.
Yes. The parents created a petri dish of isolation, repression, sexual frustration and disempowerment that created Josh. It’s basically exactly the opposite of everything that leads to people becoming happy, functional adults.
Most teenage boys aren’t raised in a crazy household like Josh was though.
I wouldn’t call it unnecessary damage — especially when the only ability he has that does damage is his Q. It makes him a sufficient harasser in lane, along with other supports like Karma or Sona. Otherwise he wasn’t felt much in lane.
How about instead of thinking of ways to nerf the character, find creative ways of beating it?
I think most complainers just don’t know how to counter him. This happens with every new champ.
Personally i feel like this is just dumb. His kit is fine. Not only that but he is extremely skill based especially in higher ELO’s. Cry more, that’s what people do about new champs anyway.
To be fair though, Ekko’s winrate is pretty terrible right now. His kit is loaded up with stuff that’s super hard to land, flimsy when it does land, and can sometimes be detrimental.
I enjoy letting Rush Limbaugh explain morality to me. The same guy who made his housekeeper score thousands of oxys so he could devour them until he went deaf, who was caught with a suitcase of Viagra in the Caribbean with a bunch of guys, who has been married four times.
If it’s ridiculous, don’t buy it. Every time there is over-priced, not-required, completely aesthetic content in a free-to-play game there is outrage. There shouldn’t. As long as it doesn’t give whales an advantage in any way, it doesn’t matter what Blizzard charges for it. Every skin in Heroes of the Storm costs $10…
There is no way I could watch this.