Kiss-Shot V3

I still think that those are two different animals though. Personally 2D animation has a warmth that until recently I didn’t think could be captured in 3D. (Thank Disney for that) Even so, I still put them in different categories, because there are different mindsets involved, even though they are equally talented.

I actually thought you were a baby cat girl in real life. Jus’ sayin’. :/

I live vicariously through reading about the sexual experiences of other people. At least you’re not alone.

Don’t play competitive games then.

I would look at a concept like this and think. “how cool. You can learn about an environment and the people and things in it by watching how they respond to different stimuli each day. You could get a glimpse into how each individual functions and how they interact with each other, and how one change in one person’s

The stupid’s been spreading.

I would say that I’ve contacted Homeland Security that a foreign sniper has threatened US citizens from a UK based website. I wouldn’t want to deal with that.

Doubt it.

Don’t even.

One, Facebook exists and people are still fucking trolls in real life. Two, this also makes people who want to stay anonymous vulnerable to people who have nothing better to do than mess up their life, a couple examples are even dictated above you.

It’s a pretty well-known scenario on the forums: guy tries to prove that he was banned unjustly by being a complete asshat and threatening to shoot up Riot HQ. This individual in particular has me completely convinced that he not only deserved that ban, but it wasn’t soon enough.

Those were jokes from a man who never had to deal with any adversity in his entire life.

You could basically do it in 3 words “Comstock is ____”

Right. Cancelled my pre-order because I’m really bad at handling spoilers (story + experience is key for me), spent the money on another game. I was heartbroken, honestly.

Do banks get robbed by 10 year olds?

If someone tried to tell me that story to warn me of that store, I’d call them a fucking idiot for letting their kid take their wallet full of cash.

It would be weird to see what Ghibli would do with Parasyte, especially because Parasyte is a very adult feature with lots of sex, gore and other adult themes, and it wouldn’t really fit into what Ghibli is known for. (‘cepting for GotF) From what I’ve seen of the Madhouse adaptation, I’m not really going for it

But it’s not sexism; it’s what story the devs wanted to tell you.

I see it this way, look at furry porn. The majority of people who enjoy furry porn on a regular basis know that it’s fantasy or just a visual substitute for real life or maybe just an aesthetic kink. But there are also people who watch furry porn who later go out to sexually assault real animals. You might say that

The Honey Badgers is Straughn’s own MRA group that she was peddling a couple years back. It’s not particularly dedicated to gaming, but I’m sure she adapts it to whatever is going to get her the most attention.