Kiss-Shot V3

At least it's the truth, instead of the jingoistic bullshit about how India has this problem and all Indian men are like that and they have an actual rape culture instead of the fake one that crazy feminists say they have in America.

She's suing because they waited until the end of the sports season to take action, forcing her to attend classes with her rapists for the sake of athletics.

I don't think I should inform you; you might have a heart attack.

What I can garner from the responses is that Fox News tends to have many followers who are completely happy being told what to think and how to live their lives, while other networks have very many people who are independent thinkers who don't completely trust one single news source. So yeah, no surprises here.

Isn't that the whole point of the Devil May Cry series, to be edgy, and by edgy I mean appeal to 14 year old nerds?

That line always felt wrong to me as well, to the point where I still remember hating it years after I played the game. It does contribute to the shitty atmosphere of the game, but it's that kinda thing that adds up with other things until it just makes you uncomfortable and you just want to move on.

Wow that's lame. Batman: Just another angry, violent white guy somehow justified in mutilating his enemies.

Anything's fair game if you're gettin' money. 'Ain't nothin' wrong with that.

Deep wang. DEEP wang. Deep WANG.

I've heard some stuff about how she doesn't actually produce her own music and has ghostwriters and all that, but watching her work her equipment live I really doubt that. Her music isn't that hard to make that someone like her would need ghost producers in the first place.

I have a hard time not liking Grimes, despite the things I've heard about her.

This is why theft and thrift kills creative industries. Not implying anyone in particular, but when people steal anime, pirate it, skip ads, etc that prevents money coming in to studios, studios are forced to only produce what they know will sell, which is the fanservice moe kawaii desu mindless bullshit so many anime

In the Fighting Game Community they recently had to deal with this during the recent Low Tier God vs Viscant grudge match. In short, LTG is a whiny scrub who makes up imaginary rules to his games and talks shit about people who violate these little rules because he thinks being jacked matters, and he decided to pick

Not really. I forgot to call women females in the first paragraph.

Same thing for "Net Neutrality". What is it? I sure as hell don't know, but all those people are talking about it. Fads come and go I guess.

I think the last place you should appeal to struggle in other parts of the world to shut down conversation is a website about video games.

This sentiment is silly. Well-meaning, but still silly.

Well, as a non-feminist male, I get insecure and pissy when attractive white women start talking about feminism, and intersectionality issues are just as good as any to get these women to shut up and go back to making o-faces in blockbuster movies derived from outdated religious texts.

Ohh... faced!