Kiss-Shot V3

I remember when I went to school dressed as a rapist, but the school said I couldn't bring pudding pops unless I brought enough for everyone.

IDFWU is such an odd song. From the rip off of Iggy Azaelia's "I'm so Fancy" texture to the improvisatory-sounding hook with little to no planned out structure, it has this weird honesty to it that makes it appealing to me.

That concept though. Like, holy shit that's funny.

Well, I'll tell you what, spend today going up to men and saying that you'd like to destroy their asshole, and report back with the results. It'll be a cool little science experiment.

I like to bring a little surrealism into the Kinja threads.

Best comment /thread

I feel that it's very much related to the concept of toxic masculinity and the cultural subtext that (other) men's penises are dirty and they spoil the things they touch. Gayness doesn't fit into our preconception of men as sexual agents instead of sexual objects, and it also creates a fear in some that they will be

You win the comments for the rest of the week.

She's also 14, so there's that.

there should be anger toward rapists,

I think there's a bit of laziness and lack of vision as well.

She'll have to put it into Google translate first. g0od th1ng 1 c4n typ3 l1k3 th1s.

That actually is a good costume. Is that her summer outfit?

You shouldn't have to do better. An artist should be able to accept honest criticism without having to pull out the "well, can you do better?" card, especially since I could reach into /ic/ and pull out a dozen artists better than her.

Nope, they're just bad.

That's racist.

Yeesh. The faces she draws are those of serial killers. The "classy" Morrigan looks like a child molester. I am genuinely creeped out by her art style.

I've always used a similar thing to this (incredibly NSFW) to get my dick graph.

Is the labia thing a new thing in porn now? I don't remember very much labia discrimination back when I watched porn, but now fashion changes so fast, but I didn't think it goes this far.

I know where this is going, so