It's the same fucking thing, except people in the West evolved a filter so they can do the same damage without getting any backlash because people like you defend them.
It's the same fucking thing, except people in the West evolved a filter so they can do the same damage without getting any backlash because people like you defend them.
That's what culture becomes when men run the show.
I sometimes think it's a tiny bit unfair to people of other cultures when most of us Westerners judge them for not living up to the standards of our moral culture. That's not to say that they're right, but they were brainwashed by their culture to believe whatever they believe and so you can't exactly act like they're…
It's a general mindset when it comes to most societies whose cultures were dictated by men. This mindset is still prevalent with men and even women in the US, just a bit more diluted and they aren't as willing to admit it. Old habits die hard, and misogyny has been practiced for thousands of years.
This point of view is practically universal. The only thing that changes is how likely they are to admit it.
Lol no.
It's yellow sludge, which is also ironically what the show has become in the past decade or so.
So do you believe that both subject matter should be banned, or are you using the accepted levels of violence in media to legitimize your own personal guilty pleasure?
I thought that the community banned fatalities in tournament because it took too much time to watch them play out.
"Can't we enjoy our racist jokes and respectful treatment of black people in peace? Why can't we have both?"
Yeah, this and that one last week about the dude switching his ex's baby with another one at the hospital. It's like some weird social 'gotcha' experiment on feminists.
Just like Nintendo has a copyright on swords and the color green.
The lesson here is that you should encourage racist white people culture as long as it makes you money.
This is one of my favorites. Really shows how shitty a series the CoD series is. Best review.
I feel like I'm better at blindly shutting down hookup attempts than actually making them. I'm like the Mr. Magoo of avoiding sex.
Nothin' like a little inebriated sexual assault to start off a relationship.
While I understand the mindset behind the choice, I don't even think that the nudity is necessary for this to be effective. To hear a diverse group of women from different backgrounds talk about their life experiences growing up as women is just as effective.
Men are toxic creatures and engaging in intimate relationships with them devalues whatever their penis touches. The only value that can be found in this world is a thing that is free from male presence.
Men aren't sexual. Sex isn't something that happens to men, it's something that they do to other people.
This stuff is all wishful thinking, but the devaluement of women and girls in our culture is so ingrained that I just don't see any progress happening any time soon. It will have to be a slow movement over multiple generations so hopefully 200 years from now we'll see a much more egalitarian representation of human…