they would call themselves humanists.
they would call themselves humanists.
It's not even really the fault of white women, it's the way that Western culture has functioned for the longest time. You see it in the way that losers talk about how "girls" won't date them, when their definition of "girls" is "young, white, skinny, submissive hetero models who wear hipster clothing and totally don't…
Feminists should probably stop talking about feminism in the public eye until everyone can agree what feminism we should all be fighting for.
You mean you can't tell framerate from a screenshot?
I wonder if the next gen version will offer to allow you to be online or not for invasions.
Or you could play it on PC and get 60 FPS in 1080p without having to deal with buying the same mediocre game for a different console to get a moderate upgrade in looks with the same problems with Soul Memory and other bullshit that truly holds this game back.
Kind of looks like Assassin's Creed: Vampire Edition. Not necessarily a bad thing. The combat leaves a lot to be desired, and what's with one-breast-armor?
And now time to pick apart every possible implication that can be found in this statement that can be used to undermine whatever particular brand of feminism that Arquette seems to be spearheading. Wouldn't want people thinking that speaking out about feminism in a colloquial way outside of ponderous blog posts and…
It's funny when people like you make yourself look stupid when you try to call other people stupid.
It's the dark and the loud noises.
I've never loved anything, so you're probably not alone, nor a monster.
English is stupid that way. So many other languages have very specific definitions for interpersonal relations, but we get a big fat one to awkwardly explain every relationship we have.
I'm fine with Skullgirls, but the execution in KoF is wonky hard, and the meter system is odd. I just mainly don't care about the game enough to put the time in.
Leaves out every anime fighter that kept the community going after 3rd strike because god knows we'll never get another decent street fighter game...
It's still going to be forever known as "the boob game" to me and most other people, and it doesn't have an appealing fighting system to me either. I don't care about playing boob games.
I was on sale on Steam for 10 bucks the other day. I'm not a fan of learning 3 characters a game in order to make it stick, so I passed on it.
My parents never gave me the talk. I didn't learn how sex worked until I was 12. Things went downhill from there.
Why not just date women then?