Kiss-Shot V3

Most normal families I know barely even speak to each other. Most of my family wouldn't say more than two words to each other a day. I don't know where it's normal to 'be affectionate' together.

I noticed that too. I wondered if we switched over to a different person.

I think that's actually happened to him, from what was presented here.

That's what happens when you take God out of schools.

I get what Miyazaki is saying about drawing a bead on your own country's politicians being more important than other people's political and religious leanings. If our nation focused more on fixing our own government instead of worrying about scary brown people with beards we'd be better off in the long run.

The option of assisted suicide should be available to any adult, regardless of their condition of health. People should have a right to a death that doesn't endanger others nor directly traumatizes them.

Well in Street Fighter they deliberately unbalance the game to force character choices to create hype for tournaments.

I don't think we have an artist that could be considered The Most Important Artist Of Our Time.

I hear a lot of people complain about how the camera functioned in the first two Prime games but then people praise the tank controls in the early Resident Evil games about how the controls make you interpret the game differently.


Same thing with Sam Smith. Jesus.

McCartney bombed his performance on SNL last night. So did Kanye. Sia and Miley sung really well though.

That PS boob job is against all common sense and dignity.

I think that if you want to make the argument that she's empowering herself, I'd use a different word other than "trafficking" to describe her work.

I see what you're doing here, and it's stupid.

It isn't gross

They're convicted criminals, not T-Virus Infected.

At the same time, it's a good possibility that GMO crops are going to be necessary for human survival in the event that one or more of our main grains starts dying off for whatever reason. The goal should be sustainability, but that's unlikely given the money involved.

DarkSydePhil is that you?