Kiss-Shot V3

That's because the culture in Saudi Arabia is misogynist, so boys don't need an underground club of pseudo-rapists to learn how to rape women when they can view it whenever they go into the city. That argument assumes that porn is the only reason that men rape, when we know that men have been raping for thousands of

There is also the fact that, the further you push a vice underground, the worse it gets. When society banned alcohol, people started making it in their bathtubs, which enormously increased the health risk as there was virtually no sanitary control whatsoever.

Many people in the "sex-positive" camp are people who are chiefly worried about how women are demonized in old-world culture for being sexual people with agency who enjoy sexual intercourse. Therefore, any time a woman is sexual through her own volition, she MUST not be questioned under any circumstance. This applies

I just came here to say this.

It's almost like men are pro rape or something...

So many women, so few represented cup sizes. Must be easy buying bras in bulk.

I hate people like you. You're the fucking coward.

No. That doesn't help anyone.

She wants some of that Christina Hoff Sommers money.

I think that women hate other women just as much as men hate other men, but is painted as a "thing" in order to 'other' women and simultaneously reinforce the concept that white dudes are individuals while anyone outside of that group is homogenous with their own group.

The thing with prison rape is that it isn't comparable with the rest of modern society. It's basically an environment that breeds rape, which needs to change, but it's hard to use those numbers to contest that men in a rape-tank are naturally raped just as much as women are raped in the real world. Though, you could

Hopefully better sex education and the eradication of the idea that the man's penis is a toxic thing that degrades whatever it touches and a better understanding of what rape actually is and the harm that it does to victims.

You raised some good kids.

We're still hundreds of thousands of years old. We've killed off more creatures than have evolved since our arrival into the ecosystem.

As I said above, raping women is part of our heritage as human beings. It's a part of our biological culture. Men are born with that desire, regardless of how strong it may be or how easy it is to inhibit. We see it more and more as porn struggles to appeal to men's most ingrained desires. Men rape because their

Our heritage as human beings is raping women. We've got our work cut out for us. Honestly, if we didn't want to become diabolical, we could at least come out as a society and say, "women, you are probably going to get raped by a man, and no one will care, and that person will never see justice. Sorry." I hate how our

We know that women lie about rape, but the cultural knowledge that we have is that if a woman accuses someone of raping her, she's probably lying, and therefore constantly giving credence to this concept just empowers society to continue to disenfranchise victims of rape based off of a concept that only happens a

I don't want to live in a society where being a woman means that your accusation is viewed as less credible than a man's defense simply because you're a woman accusing a man of a sexual offense. I don't want the opposite, but part of our culture, part of our heritage is raping women and getting away with it. It's so

Should we just legalize rape then? If rapists make it so the only witness is the victim and we can no longer trust witness testimony, should we just stop convicting people?

These are the same kind of guys who complain about being circumcised or they sprained their pinky or they got the flu and "I FEEL SICK MOM HELP!". You think they do anything regularly about genocide except make racist comments on message boards? lolno