
This is my go to Space Ghost quote. No one gets it. It’s great.

Shut your piehole, Blip! Why, twenty years ago I would’ve put your head in a half-nelson, twisted it around, saying each letter of the alphabet on every turn, and when I reached the first letter of my true love’s name—that would be the lovely Elizabeth—I would yank your head clean off and roll it down the pike like a

Hey, crack a window! 

A friend of mine posted about this earlier on Facebook and felt pretty conflicted, so I gave him my opinion:

and that’s okay! There’s an implicit ‘if Black people are around you’ attached to the statement. Consider also: the internet— with the caveat that I don’t want you to go out and try to collect Black friends like Pokemon.

I’ll take a dumb joke from a fan site any day over corporations pretending to give a shit as an excuse to postpone their marketing strategies because people won’t be paying attention.

for those puzzled about the death of the site, remember: Sonic died once and was resurrected by the kiss of a princess, so just wait.

Hey, some of that art is inspiring.

That tweet was tone deaf and misguided at the absolute best, But closing down your whole site? Man, that’s a wild call.

On my second week with a switch. On the one hand, I miss achievements, as hunting those was a fun side hobby of gaming.

When I got my $1200 stimulus deposit a couple of weeks ago I budgeted some for non-essential purchases (the rest went into savings). One of the things I wanted was a Switch, since I really wanted to play Link’s Awakening (my favorite game for the original Game Boy).

I had only the noblest of goals within my heart - enriching myself at the expense of other more skilled competitors. Imagine living in such a utopia, where everything is exactly the same except I have more money.

wtf’s wrong with people?

“I am aware that my offence has a bitter aftertaste but it was never meant with any bad intention.”

Now playing

Here are the songs in case you can’t remember what they sounded like:

Without a live audience there to pass immediate judgement, it’s just not the same.

I loved the original board game! It was an definitely an epic, 6-8 hour experience, but I thought it did an amazing job of capsulizing the journey from starting a character to becoming a legend in an MMO. The mechanics were well adapted to social board gaming while maintaining the feel of a video game. There were real

There’s nothing xenophobic about being wary of an authoritarian regime’s attempt to influence our culture through our economic system. Tencent is essentially the corporate division of the Chinese government, and it exists to forward their agenda.

Front 1: Sony fanboys.