X is my second favorite to VI. I think it’s fantastic still. I don’t think it was ever bad, especially obvious once we got a few legitimately bad FF games later.
X is my second favorite to VI. I think it’s fantastic still. I don’t think it was ever bad, especially obvious once we got a few legitimately bad FF games later.
We had furniture that was supposed to be delivered at the end of February and is still getting delayed. They’re blaming covid shipping delays but man. It was just going from Canada to the Midwest
Yeah...this kind of stuff goes wrong sometimes.
The lack of 4k is a much smaller offense than the $50 price RAISE on a 4.5 year-old system with the same specs and a couple small quality-of-life improvements.
Eh the battle system was good enough to be redeemable. The rest...
Yeah it’s a tradeoff. The opposite way to handle it is to put a lot more layers blocking publishing altogether. I’d rather devs be able to get their games out and win people over with stealth marketing than allow garbage easy access to front-page marketing.
Yeah the flip side of the argument here is that you don’t want to make it easy to advertise garbage in the hopes to steal sales from better titles, and there’s way more garbage on the stores than there used to be.
All I’ve ever wanted was an expansion on the Crossfire cinematic universe.
The other side to this - fighting games just aren’t really big business, especially the ones without dev support, and within a group that is largely community-driven and community-run, you have to be cautious with how many rules you allow people to break because “they’re good.” That almost always ends with abuse of…
Half of Metal Gear Solid is being lied to for 10 hours then finding out you’re being missing other parts of the story at 15 and 17 and 19 hours. That kind of stuff is hard to translate into a 2-hour movie and preserve the emotional impact of those moments.
The problem is that the game gets mistargeted in that case. You don’t REALLY want people expecting a cutesy game to get hit with horror, that’s a pretty big abuse of the player. The flip side is that no horror gamers likely picked up this game without being at least somewhat spoiled on where it goes. Spoilers don’t…
I was bawling at the end when Live and Learn hit. Sonic Adventure 2 was one of the last games we all played together as brothers before my youngest brother passed away from health complications. The concert was so, so good, and it’s amazing how much of a cultural mark Sonic continues to make despite never quite…
Need to read them while doing a headstand now?
Yeah I played a lot of games like this but I'm not interested in going back either haha.
Heck yeah, I still have my original box of Knights in the Sky with the floppy disk inside. I did one of my first real school reports using its manual because it was so detailed about World War 1 history stuff.
You’re right about Nintendo and leak culture being weird. Sakurai famously suggested he would never put effort into cinematics in Smash again after the Brawl cinematics appeared online. This was post-release, mind you, but somehow he felt like his work was completely invalidated because someone could pull it up on…
Absolutely seconding this. I left the theater in awe of that ending largely because of how she sold it.
Exiting the theater from Catching Fire I was completely blown away. I had no idea what to expect going in, and I had no idea where the movie was going throughout, but at the end I thought it was a phenomenal middle chapter to a kinda-trilogy if you’re gonna do a cliffhanger which some people have mixed feelings about.
It is 100% more comfortable than the Switch. Light yet has the curves to fit comfortably in your hands. Switch handheld mode is inferior to most of Nintendo’s other handhelds in comfort, frankly, though it’s still fine overall.