Heck yes. If you’re a fan of the family-friendly goofball humor (as I am in spades), Uprising is a delight from start to finish.
Heck yes. If you’re a fan of the family-friendly goofball humor (as I am in spades), Uprising is a delight from start to finish.
She can’t actually talk to animals, she just pretends. Raphael’s supports with her reveal this.
It’s pretty great but I’m too old for 80-hour playthroughs. At 60 hours and wanting to get to the end already, despite still loving it.
Nah, this is something you learn very early on. At best it could be considered a mild spoiler, but the fact that Byleth possesses that crest is not really even worth that designation.
Yep, it really is sad they waited so long to play Kid Icarus, put that one off way too long too.
8-5 makes it harder to find for sure, but a 40 hr/week job in IT is still fairly reasonable to get. Same idea.
If you want to “break into” the gaming industry, just get a 8-5 software development or IT job and spend your evenings working on your own games, ideally with a team of others to fill out your skillset, but not necessarily so. Probably the same number of working hours, far more pay, and far more rewarding, unless you…
There’s often 3 weeks to a month before you get paid. All this came out at 6 weeks, seems like a reasonable timeline.
Yeah, this is a non-issue. Cat was fine, and probably expected the ride given the ease with which she did it and his/her lack of protest. I’ve never tossed a cat “up” like this, but the fall from that was no different than jumping off a fridge.
I still prefer climbing Death Mountain in A Link to the Past over climbing any mountain in Breath of the Wild.
Thank you, I got so sick of hearing this on every radio show I flipped on for five minutes.
This is a similar problem I have with video games. I think Breath of the Wild is a great game, but I’m happier with Link to the Past, because I’m ok with a mountain being 15 seconds of walking up screens of brown rock instead of 60 seconds of climbing animations with stamina management. At some point realism becomes…
Get Smart was fun. Honestly a movie I can’t stop laughing at, though most seem to disagree with me.
It was kind of a smaller role, but I still love Get Smart. Kind of in the minority on that one I guess.
Yeah, I think people are just down on it because they were expecting an upgrade to their existing system (which is also believed to be in the works), when it reality it’s actually filling a different niche at a much lower price.
I’m all in for a smaller, more portable version of the Switch. It’s heavy enough that the weight difference will help in extended play sessions. Not everyone plays most of the time on the TV.
I mean, the article suggests they insured it. Presumably someone walked away with a check regardless.
I wanted pretty much the same game as you while I was growing up. Someday!
“may be as simple as”
These glitches get so much publicity that it’s a certainty they will be addressed. Heck, some of these may be as simple as fixing a single line of code.