
As a former high school teacher and an occasional 4X player during Ethics and Accounting classes, why is this a new problem that Stadia introduces? Maybe I’m missing something.

Grinding is an awful GAME MECHANIC as it were (time spent = success on a relatively straight line with few deviations), but it satisfies people who want the empowerment fantasy or the feeling of time-invested accomplishment out of their games. I’ve been on both sides of the desire equation, but few RPGs have done

Dang, I feel the opposite. It doesn’t hold your hand, but man I miss the Fire Emblem mechanics of old, the Chapter-based system with no grinding, inventory management, and tighter plotting, and frankly I think Radiant Dawn is the best-written game of the whole series.

Yeah I think this is their endgame, honestly. Split off the battle system from the “campaign” mode, even if you have to raise pokemon in the campaign mode.

Yep, in some ways this is the story that functions as the exact counterpoint to Evangelion. Was surprised it wasn’t on this list for that reason alone.

For some reason, a lot of people prefer to forget that Trump did not win the majority of the Republican primary vote, either. He’s the candidate almost no one in the country wanted, but Republicans had to settle for in part because of the sheer number of candidates and the ability of his rhetoric to cut through them.

As you do more and more of these, it’s getting hard to contextualize who the worst offenders are. Everyone has bad practices, but comparing developer to developer is getting increasingly hard to do, say, if you actually want to change your personal policies of support away from the worst offenders.

Aw man, was this really a thing? That makes me so sad.

Glad to have you back and writing, Peter!

Yes, I think the word “liable” here is the problem. If my dad killed your dad, I don’t legally or morally owe you anything for the impact it would have on your family in terms of emotional damage, lost wages, etc. It has nothing to do with my choices.

Yeah I never bought the SoM remake because of exactly how you described it. That’s what I’ve more or less heard about it.

“Less healthy and more likely to die earlier” was my main motivation for weight loss through calorie restriction. Carrying extra weight, especially in the belly, is correlated with everything as simple as bad knees to cancer.

They were...kind of clever? They weren’t functionally any different than pausing the game normally in terms of how it affected other players. Just making them come up and allowing action to continue would’ve been great.

I think I’m waiting on the remake myself, given that it looks more substantial than the SoM one. Hoping for better, anyway.

I remember playing Final Fantasy Adventure on the playground in 5th grade on a friend’s Game Boy and it was pretty neat.

abomination of UI / UX” pretty much applies to Secret of Mana SNES as well, unfortunately. It’s a great game with so many horrifically glaring flaws.

Yes, that’s why it would require a 3P hack.

I read somewhere the Japanese release was only limited to 1P...anyone know if that’s true here too?

Honestly, this is probably a great move. The old ones have some really dated mechanics that are not all that fun to play. Very excited to pick this up.

Reminder: there is no law against him streaming, merely a company policy.