
Honestly that wasn’t really a big scene for me. There have been times when I thought about amputation my pinkie toes just for the sake of not feeling the pain of kicking them in the wall.

I just know someone’s going to call “Racism” for making Doomfist black and a villain.

What the F*** is that thing?

An innocent black woman was murdered by the police? It’s just another day in America.

Mention that if you use the motion controls a lot your arms will get sore as hell.

Well where are they?

You question the existence of a fat italian plumber capable of impossibly hardcore parkour? Who also rescues a princess from a magic turtle dragon using the power of mushrooms and other plants.

Oh thank goodness. I thought this was another thing about how we f***ed up the environment.

Since they F***ed up the Nes Classic I’d like it if they announced a virtual console version of the Nes Classic for the Switch. Put all the HD remade games into one package that I can download so I can play it on the go. And I hope they do the same for the Super Nes Classic and some day the Nintendo 64 classic.

I understand. I’m gonna go get the biggest gun I can to defend myself against these creatures.

A couple decades ago people were just racist, now people are stupid racist what the F*** is going on?

TAKING ALL BETS! What will Sean’s punishment be for killing an innocent black man in America?

Now playing

“Good thing poor people don’t feel pain” - Marquis 2016

Each day I read the news, and each day I lose even more faith in not just America but in humanity.

Are these skins based off the first concept art of Overwatch?

I probably know the answer to this already but, can you make babies in this Fire Emblem?

Is it Baby’s that come out the butt?

Me and my team usually ask if the player is a “Magic Hanzo” and just let them play. If they’re helping then we’re fine, but if they get 1 kill per minute or don’t even use their sonic arrow to help then we start to bitch even if the player can’t hear us.

There’s a woman on the cover. I assume some people are pissed for no real reason?