This game gets more American by the sequel.
This game gets more American by the sequel.
Not exactly comforting news while Drump is in the White House.
On a side note, I would like to point out that the victim wasn’t killed.
To be fair there are still people who think the earth is flat, and we have scientologist... and religion in general now that I think about it.
I can no longer keep track of all these shootings.
I can’t help but notice that there’s no crotch in the Shiekah Outfit.
We also learned that they don’t relax.
The first word in this article is “Texas” and then everything made sense to me, how sad is that?
“And I’m proud to be an American”?
EVERY week more of this crap what the F*** should I take a job teaching english across the sea until this whole Trump thing passes?
SOOO much Fanfiction ammo.
So did I just buy a 200 gb sd card for nothing?
She seems a little too OP
We’re sure that Bill Cosby did all this right?
Can anyone help me send this guy some scotch, or whatever counts as Japanese scotch? He needs a gift from a fan.
That was real? I thought that was a fan animation.
I think Nintendo’s still getting used to the idea that insert manuals aren’t a thing anymore.
Every day I hate America a little more.
This is America people, we’re the bad guys, except this time we’re not being discreet about it.
How long has Trump been president again?