
I'm fine with the saying as many police forces have a similar statement on their vehicles. What bugs me is the lack of oxford comma.

Seriously? That would be the motto of the largest state police department in the country, not exactly rural backwoods cops. And the motto makes complete sense to most.

I would think it would be easier to mess with the schrader valve, and turn it into a preasure set pop off valve.

If a trip through the Corkscrew doesn't pucker his buns, nothing will.


Wouldn't go very far but it is a start.

Graduated and have been working full-time for almost two years now. Paying off my loans as much as I can and saving 5% (first year), 6% (this year), +1% per year after that.

Never trust an elected official who owns a denim blazer AND a pocket square.

You should probably discuss this with a therapist.

Come on, The dude did it on purpose! Look at the video and the close up pictures... His hand is open and grabbing for her brake lever/handle..

In what fucking universe do you live where a broken collarbone is completely healed 'in a few weeks'? It sounds like they have good healthcare there.

Bro, you haven't been a "pro" for a decade. You're 23 on a UCI continental team. In 2014 you were Cat 1.

It looks to me like he has hit the cyclist's front brake bar. What a tool.

I'm not a pro, but I've raced several seasons of crits and circuit races as an amateur. To me, this looked intentional. Short of the spectator jumping over the barricade and onto the course, I can't imagine anything more blatant than sticking your arm out at the pack during a sprint.

Good advice! This sounds much like Alton Brown's method as well.

I've actually had people get in my car and ask me why I'm constantly moving the gear lever around. "My car doesn't have that." Sigh.

"This practice of advancing the clocks ahead an hour in the spring and adjusting them back an hour in the fall is called daylight saving time. But because daylight savings time is used so frequently, the term is also considered acceptable." (found similar results across other sites)

Can we start banning trolls for once? Let's start here, with the idiot that is pretending that two people weren't killed.

It's actually more deeply cynical and calculating than that. "I have lots of black friends" is something people say to cover a mistake. "I don't hate gay people I just don't approve of their lifestyle" is a proactive rhetorical tactic people are trained to say *before* they say something bigoted.