
My 2 secrets to make creamy mashed potatoes without butter or cream is to use an OXO potato ricer, and use my Nespresso milk frothier to warm and inject air into it before adding it to the riced potatoes. Adding cold milk makes the mash sticky like glue according to a culinary class I took 25 years ago. Add some

Hands-down it was a used 1986 Chevy Caprice station wagon. It was a year old with 10K miles on it and my dad was an engineer with a “buy American” mindset. That wagon broke down so many times on our road-trips that my dad finally caved, ditched the car and went back to the old MB diesels. 

So are vehicles too complex to be built to scale in a reliable fashion or are there just too many poorly engineered components. I mean, what if the water pump designer did the best job they could in creating the perfect water pump for the Expedition, but the circuit board designer used cheap materials that caused a

Fiat should do its research and focus on the areas where these cars make the most sense. I suppose the larger battery pack and Level 3 charging will allow this car to be usable as a sole car ownership with driving ranges above 50 miles.

Easy solution would be to:

The smallest car we have and use about 70% of the time is our 2013 Fiat 500e. It’s great for local errands, crowded beach/marina/parallel parking, and can do highway speeds up to 55 miles before needing a recharge.

I’ve been thinking of something like this for years now. I would think Sonic car-hop concept would be ideal for level 3 DC charging since it takes at least 20 minutes from the time it takes to order, receive, and consume. But then the issue comes with non-EVs parking in these designated charging stalls and the

I strongly considered buying a used manual 1st gen 8cyl R8 back in 2014 when they could be had for as little as $50K in great condition and less than 60K miles. Today’s going price seems to be about $75K and I’m just not comfortable knowing I missed the bottom by so much.

Fortunately it’s just gas-powered leaf blowers that are banned in my city. I love my Worx 20V Sharepower Turbine blower; it’s no louder than my wife’s hair dryer and I use it inside the house as much as the outside. It’s great for getting all the pet fur from under the couch, tables, chairs, and benches.

Yes, I have my way of doing things too. I set my alarm for 1hr32min when I start the dishwasher. This is the time it takes to run all the cycles expect the drying cycle which seems like a waste of energy when my state is the largest net-energy importer and the dishwasher water is already hot enough to dry in

My suggestion is to plan the dishwasher to complete its cycle when your toddler is asleep.  That will give you plenty of time to allow the dishes to dry...just hope you have the energy for when they awaken. 

My wife and I bought a used Tesla without AP and have zero interest in trusting our safety and the safety of those around us with a technology that we do not nor cannot know the parameters of its logic, dynamic programming, and behavior. We get annoyed that some simple features disappear and reappear on later updates

Haven’t tried them in an air-fryer but I do grill them with a brush of diluted honey or agave and a dust of cinnamon. Then I grill a glazed donut until it’s soft, put some anglaise, and peaches with a mint leaf on top and I’m crowned King of the Grill in my home.

While I don’t think these boats can handle 14ft waves, I think they can still operate just fine island hopping throughout the Med, Caribbean, and other areas with 3-5ft swells. 

I’m thinking about getting a live-aboard sailing catamaran and throwing in 2 OceanVolt Sail-props with a 20kWh battery bank (Tesla modules or my 24kWh Samsung battery from the Fiat 500e). Apparently 3hrs of sailing will create enough regen power to run the electric motors for 1hr. Add shorepower and a small solar

Based on the motorboat heeling to starboard we can assume it was taking on water and holding it in the right of the hull. The bow had the last air so it was the last to sink.  What a waste.  I’m sure it was preventable had an inspection been done prior. Clearly this was too much for the bilge pumps. 

Not at all an issue from my experience but living in LA/OC area of southern California has benefited from policy incentives and private real estate operators seeing a change in the tide of EV ownership. While there are several 3rd party metered charging stations, there are still a surprising number of free charging

I’d love to see both law enforcement crackdown on these antics, better citizenry from people in general, and a regulated place where people can enjoy motoring legally.

I’d love to see both law enforcement crackdown on these antics, better citizenry from people in general, and a regulated place where people can enjoy motoring legally.

Seriously hoping workers can be retrained or shifted into a recycling/refurbishing of high-cost parts. This should make vehicles more sustainable, offer regional jobs, and lower the cost to the consumer.