
The process would work a whole lot better if people made an honest effort to try and be more considerate towards each other rather than being so self-interested. In this case, the guy could have explained to the people behind him that he would like to go back and grab his bag as soon as he could when the seatbelt sign

My millennial wife took a less traveled path in her legal career where some could say she took a few steps backwards. She started her career during the Great Recession and was doing very well on the “partner-track” her first 5 years. Her compensation grew nearly 2X from when she started, she built up a large diverse

For me personally, it boils down to price, total time, and whether I’m in a rush or time to enjoy the journey. I have an old modified VW TDI that’s fun to drive and gets around 45mpg with a 700 mile range fuel tank; I’ve also got a 220 mile range internet-connected EV that USE to recharge 80% of the battery capacity

As a recent convert to BEV I will lay out my process and advice:

I felt obliged to post this cartoon because it’s how many of us feel about expansion/widening projects. We don’t see the personal benefits even though the benefits lie in the larger scheme.

Funny. We just got back from our vacation from LA to Maui last week. It was a last minute booking, but we were able to take a 7am flight out on Hawaiian Airlines, then a red-eye flight back to LA on United for $440 pp/RT. Used ParkWhiz app to airport parking/shuttle service, Hotwire to rent a Jeep Wrangler, and

I try to be as energy-efficient as I can, but I did not support the phase out of incandescent light bulbs. I prefer the warmth and flicker-free radiant light they give off; yet my house is about 75% outfitted with various LED bulbs. I’ve strategically placed them in the heavy usage areas or in places where I want to

The obvious response is: It depends.

It’s basically a high-volume fan that creates negative air pressure inside your house by pulling in air from the ceiling and dumping it into the attic. By opening windows and/or doors, you are pulling air from outside. Simultaneously, you’re cooling off your attic too. I added two $50 turbine vents on the attic as

One important factor not included is humidity and air movement. 80F at 40%RH is very different from 80F at 70%RH. Secondly, a room with no air movement feels much warmer than a room with fan at the same temperature.

Good on your for not taking the bait.

I don’t think that’s right. Recessions are inevitable and generally healthy for an efficient economy (it trims the fat of over-saturation). I think you might be conflating recessions with a stock market crash. The latter (not the be confused with a 5-10% correction) tends to happen when no one expects it because the

Yep.  It sure sounds expensive in its current state.  That’s why I’m hoping someone will INVENT a cheaper way to do it.

Talk about egg-snot.

Horrible technique. The first demonstration shows an awful lot of egg white going into the yolk bowl. Depending on what you’re making that can be disastrous.  I suggest doing the passing of the yolk from shell half to shell half to remove the egg whites in one bowl, then place the yolk into a separate bowl.  Any screw

It would be nice if some of those geniuses of tech can create a simple fire-suppression system to mitigate the fires.  Something like a fire-activated canister of foam or Class ABC material to activate in the most fire-prone areas.

I’ve become quite the delicate flower lately when it comes to heat. Here are my methods:

Well that must set off the audit flags. Makes you wonder what other financial shenanigans they might have pulled off; I doubt they are doing all things above book. Clearly they are taking advantage of finding a desperate sucker.  They only need to sell one at this’s not like they committed to selling a

12hr trespass on private property...what’s the abandonment law in Florida? I’d love to adversely possess a Tesla; just waiting for an opportunity.

33MPG is insane for a truck like that. My 2006 2500HD with the Alison trans gets 17mpg on a good day, though the towing and payload capacity is quite a bit higher than the new 1500. I’ve had 3,200 lbs of boulders, 3,500 lbs of tile, and a bed full of dirt without issue. I’m never clear on what the weak-link is in