
There is some truth to this. There’s a bunch in the Irvine/Westminster area and a good number of them have newer license plates.

My family have laughed for decades over that clip with “Super Nintendo Chalmers” and Skinner, and never came Steamed Hams a thought outside of the joke about the grill marks. However, I’m going to give it a try and when you think about the juicy meats served up at dim sum, pressure steaming makes a lot of sense.

I typically take the red-eye flight for leisure/family visits only. The flights are more likely to be delayed which can be frustrating, but getting in at 6am rather 5:20am isn’t a big deal at fact it means places are open for breakfast when you land. We usually have night-cap at the airport, brush our teeth,

This is why I won’t buy any wheel/tire size combo less than a 45 sidewall ratio. It’s also why I’m keep 19" wheels on our Model S; unfortunately the suspension apparently prevents 18" wheels from fitting.

Lots of registered business owners in SoCal...see “Hummer tax loophole.”

First off, I would suggest folks interesting in buying a used vehicle to hone their DIY skills, have a good trusted mechanic, and join a model-specific car forum online to learn what you can about the model’s quirks and common repair/maintenance items.

As an owner of two used BEVs (2013 Fiat 500e & 2013 Tesla MS 85), let me tell you a little something about range driving is how you will get the rated range; driving 70-80mph on the freeway/highway/turnpike will give you 25-30% reduction in range. This is not a huge issue if you live in a heavily

To be fair, the Urus appears to be most practical with a more serviceable engine compared to other Lambos.

Crap movie? I thought it was a documentary on the effects of a “danger to manifold” warning indicator. I don’t think the public has experienced a single case of floorboard disintegration since.

My high school ROP culinary program trained us to soak the onion slices in cold water for a few minutes to take the heat off the onions.  I will try your salt method if you try the cold water approach.  I imagine the salt will add a seasoning element to the onion; the water method would be the no-sodium option (for

Have you not seen all the stories about BMWs and Hyundai/Kia cars catching fire while parked?  The former remains a mystery, but I believe Hyundai/Kia have found the culprit and are issuing a recall.  So it does happen to ICE cars in large numbers, but I wouldn’t be surprised if they are related to complex electrical

It’s true that initially paying less for a fixer-upper can be a big mistake for folks, but those with an eye for estimating costs, those who are relatively handy or have a good connection to a good contractor at good rate, and those who want to customize their house would probably benefit from buying a fixer-upper.

We paid just under $40K for our used 2013 (November production) MS 85 with 60K miles on it earlier this year directly from Tesla. On top of the battery/drive unit warranty (good through 11/21), the warranty is good for 2yr/40K miles. It’s a great car, but I do wish we had a killswitch...I don’t like all this automatic/

One thing I like to do while passing on the left lane is to move over to the right lane when the car behind you even with the vehicle you passed (in the right lane). Both the left lane vehicle and yourself should be traveling faster than the passed vehicle on the right and when the vehicle behind you aligns with the

I wish we could go back to the days of 4-6% interest rates. Asset prices were lower and there was a greater incentive to save or pay down your debt. Low cost of borrowing has trained people to overextend themselves on credit, revolve their debt, and to “buy-now-pay-later.” Meanwhile asset prices have shot up and

I have to say you shouldn’t say your going “home” or use your home address, but rather use a neighbor’s address to prevent stalkers and weirdos. I’ve had it with rideshares. I was almost T-boned in one in the most boneheaded of situations (there was only one other car on the road within 800 yards!) and I took a short

My wife and I enjoyed a new (to us) recipe of Mac N’ Cheese during Disney’s California Adventure Food and Wine Festival. It was a ghost chili white cheddar bechamel sauce with small shell pasta, but the impressive component was the topper...they used crushed Corn Nuts and it was delicious. We liked it so much that we

I spent $400 on a Quietcool whole house fan that pulls air from any open window/door (path of less resistance) and exhausts the air up to the attic.  It’s great when the outside temperature is lower than the inside temperature.  For apartment dwellers or someone looking to spend less money, you can take two $10 box

I’m guilty of using Excel to divide the price by the radius-squared (Pi is a constant so not necessary in the comparative calculation).  I did the same for calories just for fun when selecting which pizza size is a better value.  I’ll say on a qualitative basis, that I prefer medium pizzas over large because I find

I love tours but I get what you’re saying. Hell, I was right with you when I was in my college years; now it’s not worth my time to do all the research. I’d rather pay someone some money but they have to add value in giving information that a 10 minute internet search wouldn’t reveal.