
I’m a little jealous that you were able to bring yourself to buy a used M5 and ultimately end up with an S2000. There are about 20 red flags that would steer me away from a used M5; even though I could buy one tomorrow I could never pull the trigger. My brother-in-law owns his own garage and he gets customers who

What grinds my gears with newer steering wheels are the metallic finishes or glossy resins on the logos.  The reflections from the sun can be rather blinding in your peripheral vision and it just seems so needless. 

My grandparents took my siblings and me to see it during the opening weekend at a theater in Pasadena when I was 7.  I was blown away by the acting, lighting, and plot.  It happens to be one of my wife’s favorite movies and we make a reference to the film on a weekly basis.  You’d think it’d get old after 20 years

The very few items that I buy at Whole Foods are their smoked fishes (when I’m too lazy to clean, brine, marinade, and prep my smoker) and their sliced cakes. Generally all other items can be had for much less at my local Sprouts, Korean grocer, or Middle Eastern/international grocer.

I use the weekly circulars to determine which stores have the best deals for what I’d like. I typically go to 3 grocers a week (Vons, Trader Joe’s, Sprouts, or ethnic grocer) for a total mileage drive of 7 miles (I won’t go too far out of my way). Vons is great for all my packaged processed foods and ready to eat

I have a hard time believing they probably made nothing. When the salesperson said the car was worthless and would be junked they either were wrong or lied. Clearly the car was neither worthless nor was junked. Even a junked car can get $500 for recycling or more money if parted. The salesperson probably meant

How awesome would it be if car salespeople were fiduciaries? We hope that they would be at least honest, but to behave like scum is appalling. I can’t respect someone’s line of work or profit model that was based on lying and cheating. I have no problem with someone making money off of my transaction, but they

I use them when I can and I love the headrests on my 2001 VW Golf TDI (MK4). They are both adjustable by height and angle so you can move the rest forward and backwards by +/- 1.5"

I was thinking along the same lines. It seems like reading/recording and inter-vehicle communication data is more important than writing a program to address specific scenarios. There is much more going on in just about every scenario than an ad hoc program can cover. We should come clean about AI or machine

I was thinking along the same lines. Even at those prices, I wouldn’t consider any of them. I’d start considering them at half of their depreciated price, but there’s that lingering feeling that thousands of dollars in repair (not maintenance) is around the corner. It’s nutty to see what a BMW battery, alternator,

Maybe they’re not quite “loaded fries” but I love my local asada fries: French fries, diced raw onions, salsa, three different Mexican cheeses, pickled peppers, carne asada, crema, & guacamole.

It’s not just too fast, but too short of a time to react. I’m also concerned that Autopilot might not be recognizing objects as one would expect. Perhaps the reflectors on emergency vehicles or the reflective finish on a liquid tanker might not be accurately identified. There are so many opportunities for error and

Nice pro tip, we’ve been doing things wrong this whole time. Generally we should keep all our heads away from all know, generally speaking of course.

I say try it a batch with convection and one without. You might prefer one result over the other and you’ll never know unless you try it. However, if it’s your first time making something and don’t have the time or energy to do things twice, just follow the recipe and use convection only if it states to do so.

Yes, specifically the pith (the white pulpy part)...the zest on the other hand can be use to intensify the flavor. I recommend zesting the citrus before juicing it. Then recombine or just use a pinch of it zest per serving. It’s great with sparkling water.

Cool video. I like how they showed how the reinforced beams in the doors absorb energy from a frontal collision. Seems like some manufacturers try a lot harder than others. Hopefully no one will be barreling into a heavy solid object that won’t give like a pylon or boulder.

Looking through the Interior photos on Yelp! to look up the black/white person ratio. It’s about 1:80 (very unscientific); however, I didn’t see anyone with a neckless. Maybe a local undercover investigative journalist can look into this.

As I understood it, SCOTUS did not judge based on the baker’s religious beliefs, but rather that his beliefs were not fairly considered by the state courts. It was an extremely focused ruling that does not necessarily extrapolate to the broader controversy. They essentially punted.

This got me to thinking that auto manufacturers should start their designs around safety cages like the ones we see in auto racing. However, you design the safest cars but you’re still going to have people putting their feet up on the dash, failing to wear a seat belt, etc. I guess my point is that engineered safety

Increasingly useful knowledge to have. I’m been in a few flash floods while camping in a local box canyon. Having watched the news over the last 30 years, we’re seeing a lot of flash flooding in areas where we historically have not. Whether this is due to climate change, poor judgment in developing land,