
Great point. We should keep in mind the proportion of fatal/non-fatal accidents among autonomous/semi-autonomous cars with non-autonomous cars. We should also keep in mind that perhaps non-autonomous car accidents need not be the standard to which we should reference because many of us expect better from a

They’re just Ziplock Heavy Duty Freezer bags in 1qt and 1gal size. I’m with you on reducing waste. I’m no stranger to reusing bags and haven’t had one leak yet. I generally reuse bags once or twice.

Spinner wheels, anyone?

Not sure I would call headlight switches a trend, but I like control of my lights. My the H7 halogen bulbs went out on my Golf, I realized the short-life was attributed to the daytime running lights feature that reduced the headlights to 70% power, but ran all of the time. I spent $30 on a Euroswitch that added

Really? That’s disappointing. I know there were several versions of KITT and different versions were rigged for various shots. I know they used a stunt driver hiding behind a false front seat to do the Auto Cruise scenes. I would have thought Hasselhoff drove some of the scenes...unless that was really good camera

I would prefer my cars sans air bag. I’ve never used one, fear exploding shrapnel, fear having my nose broken and skin burned, and I’d much rather wear a helmet or a blast of quick hardening spray foam (a la Demolition Man). Most of all, I would prefer avoiding accidents all together. Perhaps my attitude would

David Hasselhoff drove a version of KITT that had a steering wheel like that. As for me, I think those should be used for arcade games only...real vehicles should use all 360 degrees of a wheel.

Sure, but this was the result of someone cutting parachute cords for (what I assume) was poops and giggles. It just feels different. I wouldn’t mind if he used government supplied Diet Coke and Mentos to make a giant display, but the destruction of military vehicles due to cord severing is unacceptable.

I had a tri-tip that I trimmed and threw in the freezer about 7 months ago. I generally smoke tri-tips in my kamado, but I thought I would try sous vide method instead, especially since it was already in a Ziplock bag. I did the following:

I assume that’s the base price for a military Humvee, add comms, armor, and other modifications and you’re probably looking at well over $200K. Hopefully these were just decommissioned or retired units for training purposes, but I for the sake of training for readiness, I doubt it.

I cringe at the loss in taxpayer money from his actions; a sum of money he personally will never accumulate or repay.

My wife kinda falls for gimmicks and is a body wash person; I’m a bar soap (hotel bar soap mostly) and so she bought me an exfoliating soap bag. You just but a few small slivers of soap that you would otherwise discard and you essentially have a soap/loofa.

I doubt autopilot was engaged; rather it looks like speed is the factor. I’d assume youth and inexperience too. There’s a reason why my dad wanted my first car to be an old MB can’t get in too much trouble with a slow tank.

I use to drive my beach car (1989 Mazda 626) barefoot after surfing. The clutch force and friction point was perfect for barefoot driving, but damn it too much more force to apply the brakes without shoes.

Here’s a good reason for me to stop eating shrimp shells. Personally, I love the flavor with the shell on but I guess I’m missing out on the shrimp base.

Boxy makes sense. Aerodynamics and wind drag be damned, it’s hard to see over 25mph in metro Paris and London. The fastest way to get around downtown London is by motorcycle or bike.

Ever wonder how much more successful an underperforming auto manufacturer might be if they used a continuous focus group of car enthusiast to create better cars? I suppose if you mix and match too much you might end up with the Homermobile, but they can at least filter the data to build a decent car or two.

I have to say, the character of Hank Scorpio reminds me of John McAfee. I don’t know whether it’s art imitating life or life imitating art.

You beat me to it, Mr. Scorpion. I’ll go sulk in my hammock that I got from the hammock complex.

Seems reasonable for me. They are trying to avoid personal injuries, lawsuits, and keep the rest of the patrons happy. I thought the British loved rules, manners, and order...what’s the big deal?