
Back in 2004 when I bought my 2001 VW Golf TDI from an out of state private seller, I spent a few hours on to learn as much about the car as I could. I bought a $60 Bentley shop manual off eBay and a Vag-Com OBD scanner. I bought a one-way ticket on Southwest for $29 and arrange for the owner to pick me

Going have to try this out. I was a little disappointed with Instant Pot kalua pig (not enough smokiness and wasn’t as succulent as I was hoping for), sous vide might be the way to go.

Maybe the juice or the zest would work. The pith (white part) is where the bitterness comes from.

Vanilla ice cream is my go-to. Since the heat seems to be oil-based, I wonder if using a tongue scrapper (part of good oral hygiene) would help. This way I don’t have to eat as much ice cream; my lactose intolerance has me limited to one bowl. Anything more and there will be uncomfortable regrets.

Hehe. This was informative, but I like you am still on an older phone. I got my 32GB iPhone 5s for $32 about 3 years ago. Surprisingly the battery capacity is still at 88% and I’m able to run all the apps I like. My only issue is that the phone seems to get very hot after several minutes with the current iOS. I

How these guys beat the US to Sputnik remains a mystery...

You and me must be the same age. I watched Batman Forever in the last remaining drive-in theater when I was 15, though I thought the movie was horrible right off the bat. I was a huge fan of the Burton films and enjoyed the darkness, weird mystic, and sexual just seemed clever to my pre-adult mind.

First off, Batman did not lie because he never stated that the Tumbler (Batmobile) had a manual transmission. Sure you can argue to say that he implied it, but there is no argument that you inferred it.

I would have assumed that there was extensive closed-road testing with autonomous cars before states allowed for them to be used on the public roads. Furthermore, I would have assumed the developers/manufacturers would have used millions of hours of read-only data of real-world road/traffic situations to base the

You get a star for making me laugh out loud.

Just a little warning that your wooden chopstick might warp. Not a big deal if you have a bunch, have cheap/disposable ones, or simply don’t care. I know this because I’ve warped a few while I prepare hot dogs:

Just reading the headline through Feedly, I instinctively thought this was going to be a Russian....because there’s not enough snow in Florida.

80 people starred your comment? I don’t EivEvo implied anything that you inferred. Rather it sounds like you’re reacting in a defensive manner in which you feel some sort of blame; I don’t think anyone is blaming you or the community. EivEvo is just pointing out that a community that shares knowledge *might be

Anyone blaming the tie-wearing primate tossing banana peels everywhere?

Thanks. I think I will have to ask a pro. Luckily I know 3 people who work for the IRS (one lawyer, a cousin in law enforcement, and a cousin’re in huge trouble if you cross the first two). I created the non-deductible IRA accounts over the last 3 years to avoid paying taxes twice during the conversion

So my wife and I have a number of tax deferred accounts and I’ve been holding out on doing a Roth conversion out of 1 part laziness and 1 part fear of screwing up. Here are the variety of accounts that we have:

Thanks for the education. I started making creme brûlées and pot de cremes in my late teens. I knew the basics of the need for a water bath for insulation, but I never thought about the coagulation process for other egg dishes. I moved on to making chinese/portugese egg tarts (my favorite dim sum item) and quiches.

Brag about zero emission vehicle? I don’t think that’s what I did; I’m just stating the fact that after getting a cheap little EV, we’ve reduced our consumption of gasoline and diesel. Yes, tires are still products of petroleum and the rare earth materials that goes into battery, solar panels, etc aren’t extracted

Haha. There is some truth to that, although now that the Prius has been around for some time I’m finding more aggressive drivers (especially fleet and ride-share drivers) have discovered the “go faster” pedal.

I’m going to assume that the enjoyment, entertainment, inspiration, and education one could get from a bumper sticker does not make up for the distractions and inattentiveness it causes to the peripheral drivers.