
Would never ever have bought one of these new, but my brother bought a used F-Sport CT with 40K miles on it for less than $18K. He’s taken a break from BMW after 20 years of ownership and he’s blown away at how reliable and low upkeep costs are on the “Prius.” He doesn’t really miss the acceleration of his old 328

I don’t think it’s a matter of being bad at math; on the flip-side Porsche’s financing/marketing arm is pretty good at math. The objective is getting a soul to sign up and commit to paying for a product by convincing them it is affordable for them. So how do you make a $100K car more affordable for aspiring people?

I like to ask “Where’s the fire?” when I see impatient folks like that.

Nope. That ship has sailed and the affordable and tunable sport compact car is not a market segment that would be profitable for Honda. At least the Civic Type R is developed off the Civic shell.

I just got a fabulous deal on a refurb TCL 55P605 (2017 model) from an authorized seller for $425 shipped. I used my Citi credit card to get a 2-year warranty on top of the included 6-month manufacturer warranty. I was on the fence for a $1,000 LG OLED TV, but I didn’t want to spend the extra money when the

Yes. My friend’s uncle had a 5 year old F355 and I was amazed at how much “engine out” service it required and the bills associated. I think he said it cost an average of $6K a year in service...just to drive it 2K miles a year.

Same here. My wife did not enjoy Oahu (she felt it was too crowded and concrete around Waikiki), but she loved Kapaa. We went for our friends’ wedding and had a blast. We rented a car and pretty much drove around as much of the island as possible while stopping to get some eats, take hikes, and explore the beaches.

My wife and I married back in 2008 during the Great Recession. I just lost my job and my wife had just taken the Bar exam. She had a net worth of -$220K, while I had a net worth of $180K (inheritance from when I lost my dad as a teenager). We didn’t do a prenup; neither one of us believed in them at the time. I

If Ferrari can’t figure out a system in which to not break two major bones of a wheel holder’s leg, then I have little faith in the rest of their engineering systems....That tears it. I’m not going to buy one now.

My brother-in-law has had 2 ITRs. The first one was in champion white and originally came from Canada (cluster was in metric). He sold the car to make up a downpayment for his first house (as he had a kid on the way). Years later he regretted selling the car and was able to buy a yellow ITR locally. The car is

I cheat with my pot pie and just make the filling separately and place a nice fluffy dome of puff pastry on the side. I got the idea from “The Girl and The Fig” in Sonoma, Ca. This prevents the pastry from getting soggy and I just love puff pastry.

When I do wash and massage mushrooms for cleaning, I use a salad spinner to remove most of the water from them. If I want really dry mushrooms, I place them in a paper towel lined plate and put them in the fridge for a about an hour while I do other food prep or kitchen cleaning.

A list of live cams would be pretty cool. My wife likes to stream live feeds of the Monterey Aquarium through Chromecast on the TV in the home office.

There were articles back in December 2016 about how off-lease EVs were flooding the market and that one could pick up EVs for as little as $4,500 at auction. Recently, the market has dried up and the values have floated towards $10K, but the rumor is there will be a lot of inventory in the next 2 months.

I’ll have to check that one out. The image on google maps looks like a drunk toddler drew the route.

Yeah. I was born and raised in 1980 in OC and remember the brown/grey skies...especially during Santa Ana winds days. The real net beneficiaries are those in the east valley areas like San Gabriel, Riverside, San Bernardino, and Pomona areas. The air quality was hazardous back then; I believe it’s been upgraded to

Trinity Road (connecting Glenn Ellen to St. Helena in Ca) is pretty challenging...not just because of the 2,800 ft climb, 7 hairpin turns, but because the road is pretty poorly maintained. There are a bunch of deep potholes, sections where the road collapsed (turning into a shared one-lane section). Still it’s

It looks like the Tesla AP system wants to follow the solid white line on the left. The problem is that the solid white line becomes the right-side margin line for the HOV freeway interchange and a concrete barrier with a metal buffer is nearly dead-center of where the AP wants to guide the car.

Those are great suggestions and I would like to blow your mind with using the torch to burn shredded cheese, stonefruits (peaches, nectarines, etc), and pastries (glazed donuts are pretty damn good with a little torch).

My 2006 GM Silverado 2500HD Duramax sees about 5K miles of action a year. We mostly use it/loan it to family and friends when they need to move heavy stuff; just had 3,000lbs of landscape boulders in it last week. On the other side of the spectrum, our cheap little Fiat 500e sees 26K miles of driving a year.