
And don't forget how *STATS ON ITEMS HAD NO EFFECT ON YOUR CHARACTER*. Seriously. This wasn't an early alpha bug that they fixed, or a beta bug that was fixed, it made it into *launch*. Equipment itself had no effect on your character stats. In an MMO.

Deleted. Who cares? Not like they listen, anyway.

And thanks for telling US about it.

I'm sorry to come off as a jerk—I don't specifically hate Christians. I've met many kind, humble ones.. but as a population, they're taken advantage of by Republicans, an entire generation is being taught that their religion should be the law of the land, which is totally un-American in my opinion. Especially

1) Prominent atheists do not "burn bibles." Does Richard Dawkins? Did Christopher Hitchens? No. If anyone's done any bible burning, it's fanatical members of other religions—not atheists. There are "trouble-makers" in every religious group, from fanatical Islamic terrorists, to fanatical Christian anti-abortion

Funny how Christians don't seem to have a problem railing against *other* religions, burning Korans, trying to push anti-gay legislation through Congress, solidifying their religion in secular law, and yet—want their own religion to be above scrutiny.

"Those pixels on that there screen offend my imaginary deity! Remove it to be respectful!"

Games aren't developed and released in a vacuum. Whether or not SWTOR had features on launch that WoW didn't (but now has) is completely irrelevant. The marketplace SWTOR has to compete with is more refined and mature than the one that WoW faced when IT came out. The market's expectations are different, and SWTOR,

Way too little, way too late.

Didn't see the date.. >.>; This article was linked to by another article that came out today. Sorry!

The 360 is capable of anti-aliasing. I'm pretty sure PS3 is, too.

In reality, the developers should be glad they're getting any press at all. Most bad games don't get any—at least people are more aware of it than they were, otherwise.

What "happened" to virtually everyone I know that owns a Wii, is that they were super-excited about the system until they actually got one, played it for a while (mostly first-party games)—and then it started collecting dust, unused, for years.

They had a winning formula that was critically acclaimed AND loved by fans. They changed it to "cater to western tastes" by making it so western critics and players hated it? Um.. yeah. Okay.

Apparently the joke sailed far over your head, wtf_G. You need to read it again.

It's a joke implying that—regardless of whatever issues Blizzard thought they were addressing in the last patch—they took a lot of the fun out of the game for very little reason.

How is that fuzzy? How is that disputed? Check ANY American-published book you have in your house. It's standard American English.

Incorrect: "Katie Williams' writing sometimes needs improvement", wrote the poster.

The problem people have with it is that Drake kills hundreds upon hundreds of people, which seems to have absolutely no impact him—there's no consequence for any of the violence. The fact that he is fighting for his own life is irrelevant—thousands of U.S. soldiers have committed suicide over the past 10 years because

There's entertainment and cultural value in games that glorify hyperviolence, like Mortal Kombat and God of War, but personally, I prefer games that actually show the consequences of violence and the effect that killing people has on your psyche.