This would've been funny 2 months ago. Now, I'm sure, people would see the guy and go "OH MY GOD! BATH SALTS AGAIN!" and run for their lives.
This would've been funny 2 months ago. Now, I'm sure, people would see the guy and go "OH MY GOD! BATH SALTS AGAIN!" and run for their lives.
And where's the story about Warhammer borrowing numerous concepts from Tolkien, D&D and countless fantasy authors?
I realize you probably didn't make the graphic (and it is tragic), but there's no way that Mythic's Dragon's Gate was the longest running MUD of all time. There are still many that have been around since the beginning of networked computing, like Gemstone 4. ([])
I'm constantly amazed by how all these companies—in addition to trying to go Pay-to-Play initially—always go for the standard (WoW) price point. No price competition? It's always $15/month or it has to go free-to-play? Seriously. Consider trying something else.
Agreed. The Dexter opening is perfect—catchy, quirky, shows the visceral side of the show despite the subject being mostly food.
I love the clouds.
Are you kidding? You have to constantly press the down d-Pad to recalibrate it to the center when using first person, the bow, etc. Is the game playable? Yes, but the game is a perfect example of how flawed the setup is.
It's not like the Wii was immune to these problems. Even the MotionPlus controller suffered from it. Ever play Zelda: Skyward Sword? An entire button was dedicated to "Please make the remote work again" recalibrating. Controls for that game were a hot mess, and that was a FIRST PARTY game. I wish Nintendo would just…
So your entire response to being called out for being totally full of shit is that "You called me a bad name!" for asserting that rooting for billions of people to die is psychopathic?
Again, poorly informed. Humanity has plenty of energy options—and failing those, we have enough fissile nuclear fuel to last us until the sun incinerates the planet. Look up what breeder nuclear reactors are—they use uranium extremely efficiently, and that's only with today's technology, completely ignoring…
If you're going to try to talk about a subject intelligently, maybe you should do some basic research into the subject before acting like a delusional, pompous ass to strangers on the Internet. No credible biologist or demographer would make such an absurd blanket statement, when not speaking to laymen—that the…
30/93. And I thought I was a fairly accomplished 90s gamer. o_o
Whatever your reasons are for desiring such a thing, even a small-scale nuclear war between China and India would be devastating to the entire planet—not just China and India. []
You're absolutely right. I had the "enable every time" box checked. Maybe that's the default? In any case, you made my life considerably easier. Thanks!
.. What? Diablo 3, and WoW—even the forums—ask me for my authenticator every single time. Even with a static IP.
Who's that?
I'm sorry for your loss. :(
"We've barely editing him here at all"?
The biggest problem with Square Enix is that they clearly love to make pretty worlds and pretty people, but any talent they ever had on their writing staff left the company a decade ago, and yet Square Enix continues to try making *story-based games*.