A remarkably tone-deaf article, totally free of evidence, brought you to by the man most directly responsible for GamerGate: Nathan Grayson. Amazing.
A remarkably tone-deaf article, totally free of evidence, brought you to by the man most directly responsible for GamerGate: Nathan Grayson. Amazing.
No, Stephen, Gawker isn’t being sold because of Peter Thiel’s “legal assault.” It’s being sold because Gawker was found guilty by a jury and awarded those damages by a court of law.
Incredibly creepy, Joanna.
You’re right, I was thinking DVI. My bad! But, yes. Multiple DVI, Displayport/etc.
He’s probably making reference to the driver problems nVidia is having with Windows 10 and multiple monitors. It’s temporary, and nVidia’s issue — not Microsoft’s.
What are you talking about? Most modern video cards from the low-medium end and up have 2x HDMI out AND DisplayPort.
You’re probably making reference to the driver problems nVidia is having with Windows 10 and multiple monitors. It’s temporary, and nVidia’s issue — not Microsoft’s.
That is not what the fine print says. The fine print says that Windows 10 is being offered totally free, but only for the next year. People who upgrade for free now are not going to get a magic popup next year that says “Uh, uh, uh! You’ve gotta pay now to continue using your own computer!”
If you hold out and don’t…
Spoiler Alert: Things tend (tend, not always) to have the simplest explanation. What’s more likely? That this woman with a history of mental illness and suicide attempts, committed suicide in response to stressful events — or that there’s a massive police conspiracy to murder Random Black Woman From Out of Town #47?
Like others, I have no clue what “BCO” is supposed to mean. Can you explain?
All of your problems seem to stem around your (juvenile) need for “the good guys to win,” and/or your underlying assumption that their victory is somehow guaranteed or inevitable, and you’re just being robbed of “likeable characters” on the way. Life doesn’t always work out like that, and neither do events in Westeros.
There are so many things wrong with your argument that’s it nearly pointless to point them all out. Any collectible card game is “pay to win,” so if that’s your primary objection, you’re patently uninterested in the entire genre.
Season 2 diverted dramatically from the books, and yet you claim to have really loved it. All the stuff in Qarth was radically different. There’s also a reason the show is incredibly popular—it’s the network’s second-most-watched show ever, only barely behind The Sopranos, and it’s the most torrented show of all time.
Whatever your intention is, you’re making an illiberal, finger-waggling, puritanical call for mature content—at least, sexual content—to be purged from the show.
This article was really, really stupid. And Gawker already has an incredibly low bar—and yet you’ve managed to fail to live up to even that. All you wrote, essentially, is “I don’t like Game of Thrones.”
I know it’s become vogue among pseudo-progressive philistines to condemn even the portrayal of rape in a fictional…
“Machii has appeared on Japanese several times ... “
That quote always bothered me. It was a mistranslation, corrected in future dubbings.
I regularly browse both both KiA and GamerGhazi, and a bunch of relevant names on Twitter, and in my experience, the side that rabidly turns on each other is the “anti” Gamergate side. There are examples of it happening on both sides, but the “call-out culture” is definitely more cemented on the anti-side.
“Playing any game high is stupid.”