
YEAH! Let's go SERFing!

Capcom is allergic to making money, unfortunately.

You're "angry" because you've demonstrated a toddler-level understanding of what's actually gone on, and are willfully—gleefully—painting an enormous group of people with near-totally baseless, sweeping generalizations.

Aaaaand it's demonstrated for the hundreth time that there's literally no pleasing people like you.

It's more complicated than that. Azubu doesn't have "the rights" to anything. Those aren't Faker's to sell—they're Riot's. All Azubu did is make an agreement with Faker that he'd only stream himself through their client, but LoL allows any player to observe matches and stream themselves.

Brianna *actively courts* negativity. She trolls, actively for it, and profits from the publicity the ensuing negativity. When she tried to push through her game on Steam's Greenlight, she wasn't getting enough negativity to broadcast on Twitter, so she started creating threads herself.

I'm really surprised that these didn't make the list:

I explicitly stated that you made ad hominem attacks in addition to your practically non-existent argument. I never claimed you were making a making an argumentum ad hominem, or fallacy. You just committed an actual fallacy, a straw man, by refuting a non-existent position that I hadn't taken.

Kudos on the reading

It depends on your perspective, honestly. You'd probably find that I agree with you (and most other posters on Jezebel) on 99% of the issues revolving around the controversy. Are female and minority representations in gaming often problematic and badly need improvement? Yeah. Have these women faced unfair attacks and

Do you mean, a huge hashtag comprised of participation from countless thousands of people aren't all concerned with the same thing, and that posting inflammatory nonsense in it gets you attention from undesirables? You don't say.

Ooh. I love the numerous assumptions that make up your "argument," combined with ad hominem attacks, evidence-free assertions and misapplied rhetoric. I suppose that's what you're left with when you're forced to totally fabricate the positions of your arbitrarily-declared "opponents."

Sad, even for Jezebel. And that's

Once again, calling someone out on (X) when you don't know what (X) is. I have no "crusade"—you're arguing against nothing. Wu didn't "blog," she posted to a public social network, participating in a hashtag which necessarily invites commentary—and she was deliberately posting inflammatory material that a sane person

Spoiler Alert: Brianna Wu isn't a journalist. She's an indie game developer. You'd think someone (moronically) attempting to call someone else out on not knowing what journalism is, would actually know that. Surprise, surprise—total ignorance of the topic from a Jezebel troll.

She wasn't a "journalist reporting on

Except Wu wasn't attacked for "having uncontroversial opinions." She intentionally inserted herself into GG, repeatedly using the hashtag while posting asinine memes and generalizations of gamers (kind of like you presuming to speak "on behalf of gamers.") She baited a reaction, and got the one she desired.

There are so many fallacies—and especially straw men—in your reply, it's hard to know where to begin.

I haven't laid out any "conspiracy theories." A conspiracy theory would be that Wu sockpuppeted accounts to harass herself for personal gain—a claim which I never made, because it can't be proved. The reality is that

She isn't "healing the beehive" or "dispersing the storm" by intentionally provoking hostility from the mentally ill, or blatantly misogynist, then declaring "I keep getting attacked! Help! I need money so I can stop talking about GamerGate, and though I now get $13,000 a month, I still talk about GamerGate non-stop

I'm calling bullshit on your bullshit. Who is "they"? Is it any prominent voice in GamerGate? Spoiler Alert: No, it isn't. I get it. You want to paint everyone who legitimately dislikes people like Wu as a misogynist, but that isn't the reality. Then again, you aren't interested in the reality, are you?

Your declaration that it's just "my opinion" is 100% free of substance. Yes, it's my opinion. It's patently obvious that that's the case. It was implicitly stated as such. You aren't refuting anything by stating it.

Yeah, no. In no place have I offered a "defense of Gamergate and its ethics." Try again, buddy. Or feel free to point those out. In no place have I opined about the "wisdom and morality of Gamergate" or it's "ethics."

Wu went into it knowing full well what to expect, and has spent months engaging with GG a half-dozen

I'm talking about Wu's role in GamerGate as a whole. I (and every prominent figure "in GamerGate") has repeatedly denounced death threats, intimidation and harassment. Nobody deserves it, including Mrs. Wu.