
Sorry, buddy. While "WoW Clone" may not apply to every game out there, it definitely applies to this one. It's basically WoW with a Star Wars skin. Its most different aspects are the ones that are the least fleshed out—the ship, space combat, etc. Raiding, warzones, etc,. are almost exactly the same.

Was there a single Hanar in Mass Effect 3? I don't remember any.

Ditto. This is really a stretch. :/

Random note: The enemies don't get 3x as powerful with 3 people there.

Discrimination in the justice system is a lot more complicated than it's made out to be. Are SWMs typically sentenced less harshly, and charged less often? Yes, but mostly because they tend to be wealthier, statistically, and are more likely to have lawyers and other political connections that help people in those

@Luke Plunkett, the creators of the format, from CompuServe, say it's "jiff." []

I hope they don't. Everything about the Wii U screams "garbage."

So.. rich, conservative white guy gets seventy five million dollars from the government to fund his pet project, company doesn't do well, and who's on the line? The taxpayers. Fun times were had by all*.

That's not completely true. The Japanese are also dead-set against embarrassing people; here in New York, if you fall down on the street, or embarrass yourself, there will be 100 people filming you on a smartphone, intending to immortalize your shame on YouTube forever.

I agree with you. A bunch of the music in D2 jumped out at me, and I remember, but I'm in mid-Act 3 and nothing's caught my attention yet. :/

That has nothing to do with the engine.. It's a story-telling device.


"Servers are up, login is fine, unless you're in a large fleet battle, in which case you're lucky to get a few commands in before you're blown out of the sky because the entire area slows down to a crawl, and then spend hours refitting your new ship."

You may consider it nitpicking, but you'd be hard-pressed to find any home theater enthusiast that would not completely rework this room. The setup violates pretty much every basic rule of aesthetics—seeing it described as the "ultimate video game setup" is silly. It's interesting, in that someone went so far to have

Interesting, but a terrible setup for a home theater or game room. The TV is too high up for any reasonable seat to at eye-level with it, and the size of the console display case dwarfs the size of the TV, rather than making the display the center/focus of attention. Not exactly the "ultimate" setup.

Again, I wasn't saying that I hate Germany or Germans. It's just amazing that Germany could go from the most hated country in the world, because of the Nazis, to the #2 most liked country in less than a lifetime.

GERMANY is #2? Really? Does the world not remember their actions, oh, say, in the 1940s? Seriously? Unbelievable.

It was actually terrible on PlayStation. It had INSANE loading times, and a save game took up 15 blocks on a memory card. In case you don't remember, an entire memory card had 15 blocks. That's right. An entire card for one save.

Now playing

Toot, toot, Sonic warrior! Toot, toot Sonic warrior! Such stupid lyrics, but a fun song.