
And where do you see people jumping to conclusions? Either way, it's hardly *the Internet's* fault that Fox loves sensationalist reporting.

The problem with The Secret World is that FunCom has no credibility left. Anarchy Online was released a broken, unfinished mess that was unworthy of *beta* status, and they expected their customers to fund the actual *development* of the game. Similarly, Conan was released with little middle or end-game content, and

Failed to MEET forecasts, you mean? A company's stock wouldn't fall if it "failed to miss" forecasts. FAILING to MISS forecasts is a good thing.

This game is really $60?? I thought it was going to be a $15 downloadable game. Pass!

Those situations do exist in real life. Being rejected isn't always the happiest thing in the world.

Why do people love Boba Fett when he never did anything except get his ass handed to him?

Gotta love how the *Xbox* version of Conker is MORE censored than the Nintendo 64 version. Felt horribly ripped off by the re-release. A pity Rare's soul has been sucked out by Microsoft. They had real talent once.

Oliver North is not really a "convicted felon." He got off totally scot-free, thanks to a successful ACLU appeal of his original convictions.

What is that picture?

While it may not be healthy for the medium in terms of making better traditional games, if modern education can be made more enjoyable, and thus encourage children to actually learn better—I'm all for it.

I'd say "Final Fantasy needs to die," but in all honesty, there's nothing wrong with the series itself—it's Square Enix. Square Enix needs to die. They represent everything wrong with current Japanese games. Style over substance. Graphics over story and gameplay. They were so good at their peak, and so terrible now.

It's not just video games. Some book series that are awful at the beginning (LOTR:Fellowship of the Ring, anyone?) end up being fantastic. I don't think it's unique to video games, although it does seem more common.

I'm saying that nothing requires this card if you're using a single display. You wouldn't "put up with that framerate"? All my games run smoothly—and I've played so-called "intensive" games—Crysis 2, Skyrim (including mods), Arkham; they run flawlessly (or nearly so) on max settings at 1920x1200 resolution—using a

What's the point of a $1,000 video card when the current generation of video cards has been more than powerful enough to play every game at max settings on a single monitor for ages now? I'm using an ATI 5870, purchased years ago, and I can run EVERYTHING maxed out.



They did implement walking around, sort of, in your quarters at each station. The change was mandatory (and unpopular) so they partially reverted it by making the change optional. I think it's neat. They still need to make common areas for people to visit each other, though.

I'd go straight for V.V. from Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines. Amazing character, seductive, even to a gay guy.

Filthy pickpocket!

What are the odds this will ever come out here? :/