
America couldn't destroy China without facing horrible retaliation (as in, nuclear warfare), but, they absolutely did "take Iraq by force." Iraq's government and military was toppled in virtually no time. Trying to rebuild, and maintain the peace among people who are determined to blow themselves up, there's little

If you guys think League of Legends is the game for assholes, don't ever look into Heroes of Newerth or DotA 2. LoL might have plenty of jerks (any online game does), but "the asshole" fans of this genre play HoN/DotA2. League is "carebear" by comparison.

.. What?

They're worse in Halo. Call of Duty has more children and the ignorance that goes with it, but Halo gets all the intentional trolls.


Random note: Only the special edition of Sim City 2000 takes up that much space. The basic game takes up about 3-5MB.

Kotaku featured a video about a year or more ago—some guy had made a (prerendered CG) video of MineCraft, with a part where one of the monsters quickly zooms up on him like an Angel from Neon Genesis Evangelion. Wish I could find it again. :/

How do you figure? Ubisoft publishes plenty of good games. Assassin's Creed, Beyond Good and Evil, Prince of Persia, From Dust, Grandia 2, World in Conflict.. They may make some bad choices in terms of PC DRM, but they're clearly capable of letting developers "do what they want."

The JRPG genre has gone downhill largely, in my opinion, because Japanese publishers are so reticent to take risks. The article mentions big-budget titles like Mass Effect, Assassin's Creed and Halo. Games that made a name for themselves by creating great (or at least believable) universes and stories.


Buying it. Love everything about it.

Movie looks decent, but please, for the love of god—stop putting Joseph Gordon-Levitt in movies.

Disasterpeace is amazing. I sent him an appreciation e-mail a few months ago after hearing my favorite Fez song ([]) and he sent me a note back. <3

Guy looks like a slightly younger George Zimmerman! :O

Q6600 here, too, overclocked to 3.6 jiggahertz. Trusty little chip.

Am I the only one who is just ABSOLUTELY jaded when it comes to FunCom games? Anarchy Online was a horrible, broken *mess* when it was released. Basically, early internal alpha stage, and they expected people to subscribe and pay them to finish developing it.

Central point between the two galaxies, I mean. Not the mythical "center of the universe," which doesn't exist, because it's everywhere.