
The harder the better. I'm the type that found Dark Souls refreshing, and not frustrating. Granted, there is a big difference between "difficult" and "the game is breaking its own rules to be more difficult" like most racing games feature, or how bosses in action games will be magically immune to half your abilities.

I remember Sapphire from the Thieves Guild.. Hm. Tolfdir from the Mage's Guild.. J'zargo from the Mage's Guild..

The article picture makes it look like they're exploring the ... limits.. of their relationship. +1.

Gets to "read" the ultimate reward?

You resent the movie because of the production company's attempts to defend their own intellectual property. So shady! I know, right?

Avatar didn't deserve any Oscars except for technical/visual achievement. It was wholly unremarkable as a story. I've seen better fanfiction than James Cameron's re-telling of Pocahontas in space. And The Hurt Locker was hardly garbage; it's universally acclaimed by critics.

What's that from?

Who is the Butler guy? I know I've seen him before.

There's basically no reason Nintendo should continue releasing consoles. The only reason a huge number of their players actually buy Nintendo consoles is to play the few first-party games they make. Want to play this generation's Zelda, Smash Bros. and Mario games? Well, then you've got to buy a Wii. And the Wii

I created all of the girls from Sailor Moon. Sailor Moon, with Amy's skill set and mahou shoujo wand, Sailor Saturn with Seung Mina's glaive, and so on. Amazing.

That being said, they should link to the original video, IMO.

They host the file on their own server to ensure that the link doesn't go down in the future, as happens ALL THE TIME with "major websites." The uploader removes the video, YouTube serves a takedown notice, etc. That being said, they should link to the original video, IMO.

If you're looking at it from a price standpoint alone, you're missing the point. The increase in performance from the best HDDs—even Raptors—to even a mid-end SSD is like switching from dial-up to broadband, in many ways. There's no comparison, and it's agonizing to go back to the now-obsolete tech.

Yea! Pandas had better come to both factions. >.>

Glad to see I'm not the only one who thought this sucked big-time.

Yes, it is context that determines whether something written with ラ・リ・ル・レ・ロ is translated as L or R, however most speakers of Japanese prefer transliteration of regular Japanese (not katakana) with Rs instead of Ls. For example, "I'd better get going," written そろそろ失礼する, is more closely approximated with the English

Did the Goldeneye remake contain Paintball modes like the original did? If so, that's.. er.. somewhat kid friendly.

EA: Please forget about what we did to Bioware—down with Infinity Ward and TreyArch! Suck it, Activision!

I really want to like this game. I do. But FunCom has horribly burned its supporters twice before—Anarchy Online was released a half-finished, broken mess, and expected subscribers to pay for development.

Thankfully, it's a standalone game. But that should serve a lesson to you about what you really give up in exchange for $10 of "GameStop cash."