
And it works particularly well for getting his spine centered on the stretcher as they wheel him off the court, too!

And I forgot the most terrifying part: she's expecting a child in a few months. Others probably know way better than I do, but I feel like you need some semblance of balance in a diet to ensure healthy progeny. I don't think you can build a healthy baby on pizza and bean burritos.

Old labmate was a vegetarian who subsisted mainly on pizza, pierogies, mac & cheese, fake chicken patties, or this roux she'd make and put on toast. For those keeping track, the majority of her diet was composed of the sliver of the color-wheel between white and beige. It's disconcerting to hear a vegetarian rattle

I'm on your side, here. The rest of the shit is reprehensible, of course, but pointing out the fact that it's hot like a continent that, on aggregate, is pretty frickin' hot, doesn't seem to be out of line IMO. I mean, he's making a simile with something that holds factual support, not marginalizing a race or

"They're gonna fuck him up, they're GONNA FUCK HIM UP."

You'd think the people of Miami would be experts at getting burned by now. Loria's been doing it for years:

Jesus... 1.00 into it. I knew the midwest had an obesity problem that stems from a sedentary lifestyle and poor diet, but what the fuck are you eating that makes your piss flammable?!

[Frank G. Jackson, mayor of Cleveland]: Clevelanders, our prodigal son has returned! Let us extinguish the eternal flame of our vigil, which has blazed since the day we were spurned. A new day has dawned on The Forest City!

Can Regressing get us a check on "Lebron #Trader," ASAP?

I totally agree, and have even been involved in a few arguments on this network of sites in support of being intact. I wasn't afforded the option, but if I have a son, he will.

We had a few foreigners on my college team. They were affectionately referred to as "covered wagons."

We used to have hockey practice in the mornings before high school, because it was the cheapest ice time available. If school was closed or delayed because of snow, we'd already be at the rink before that decision was made, so after practice we'd gather all the metal folding chairs in the rink and drag them into the

Now playing

We really should take this with a grain of salt. I mean, if Tawny was so smart, I'm pretty sure this would have been her response:

He spells his name Götze

Meanwhile, Argentina's anus seems to be doing fine.

I agree with you, if you're talking about the most recent, half-seas0n lockout. I'm glad Sather has gotten a bit more autonomy, even though I think he's been a bit vetted into acting like Dolan Jr. I was a bit disappointed in the Girardi contract, but I must admit, I was really impressed when he took a hard line on

-Heat Fan

He's signing with the Knicks, so he can have both...

I felt like Galinari was finally coming into the player he could have become right when the trade happened. And you have to admit that anything that brings Renaldo FUCKING Balkman to the Knicks is a bad thing.