I can’t bring myself to be impressed by people who pay their costumes
I can’t bring myself to be impressed by people who pay their costumes
My scary story is also that once a homeless man spoke to me. Truly chilling.
Oh fuck all the way off twice.
The absolute best JT could hope for is to say “I was a spoiled rich asshole at the time and I’ve grown over the years. I would never do or say things now that I did and said then.” ... and hope that he is mostly forgiven for it.
Yeah I learned the hard way. After 4 years of a fun, loving, and omgzzzzzzz-sex-filled relationship with a delicious himbo, we were eating a dinner I made. I looked across the table and realized this guy didn’t ever have that light on behind his eyes.
wow. “fuckers”. yeah, small businesses that can realistically “work” one day a week (95% of weddings are on a saturday, hence the premium pricing), that make just enough of a profit to live a very normal middleclass life. INSERT EYEROLL HERE. If you don’t like weddings, don’t have one. But please don’t lie to your…
I’m sure that some people don’t know what certain things mean and that creates confusion, but I don’t think it’s true for all of the people they surveyed. I think for a lot of them they simply disagree with the definitions being used, not because they don’t understand them, but because they think the definitions are…
Everyone knows the reality of anti bride isn't some low key affair. It's turning the groom into stew and joining two other femme witches in a lesbian coven. We'd be better off for it if we embraced Men Stew.
Yeah but theoretically if someone gave a shit they could also still talk about other topics sometimes. I don’t care if my doctor discusses baseball with his colleagues as long as he properly diagnoses and treats whatever illness I have. Dark things are shocking to people who never encounter them but they get less…
I said “inbred little corner”, ergo specifically limiting my insults to that one portion of Ohio where they eat this monstrosity. “Flyover state” is still an accurate description of the place. I literally have family there lol
I’m sure there is a family or two in America who eat their own feces, doesn’t make it a trend.
I don’t know that any level of seriousness or solemnity before or after the encounter would have made me think better of the cops here. In order for me to give them any benefit of the doubt, I would need to be convinced that the cops were somehow unaware of the fact that the way they handled this encounter would be de…
Exhausted from victim blaming all day? Try a crisp refreshing Sprite!
If small talk about soda challenges and showing up six hours after being called is the “highest degree of concern” well, perhaps Columbus cops need to go back to the academy.
I am not disappointed in your awesome screen name!
By acclaim, Sorcia McNasty’s story about the haunted truck would go in there, and I’m still going to stand by my contention that the freakiest story I ever read on here was IndianaJoan’s story “911 Calling.”
I started reading, got to the line where the first poster described herself as “a toe headed little girl” and was completely thrown out of the story entirely because I cannot picture anything but a toe wearing kid’s clothing.
I mean, I guess that’s scary, but.....
JFC nobody caught "toe headed" in the first story? Come on!
What strikes me there is that if you turned off the sound you’d have absolutely no idea what’s being advertised.
We still have miles and miles to go, but this should give the youngsters some appreciation for how far women have come since then.