
It could force them to change the language in the law, although I don’t know how you write it out any other way without defeating the point of it, which is to create a definition for when life begins that is pro forced birth. Because from a purely legal standpoint, the guys argument is solid. It is in line with the

Okay.  So, I totally get if you all hate me for this.  But I LOVE this lawyer.  I mean I really don’t mean to minimize the awfulness of this criminal, but this is pretty hilariously ludicrous, and I think the lawyer is brilliant for coming up with this. a rational person.

The people who wanted this law don’t care about rape. They just want control over somebody else which neatly fits in with the concept of, you guessed it, rape.

You mean statutes created to take away a woman’s bodily autonomy will be used to restrict said autonomy even further? SHOCKED. 

I’m glad the defense didn’t work, but i’m also glad someone attempted it. Because this is what you get when you make asinine anti-abortion laws like this shit. If you want to act like life begins at conception just to be a dick, then yeah, deal with crazy rape defenses like this. Maybe they will rethink the bullshit

Your response is way better than mine. Mine was “Huh.” I mean, when you start jacking around with laws to make them bend to your will, Kansas legislators, I suppose it’s only natural that others would do the same. And, of course, either way women get the short end of the stick. Huh.

I have an idea.

Just one more reason that if it not for your winters you’d probably have “caravans” of American “criminals” headed your way seeking asylum.

That and Kate and William also moved to the country for a few years to raise their kids and only moved back to Kensington when they started taking on more royal duties. Why shouldn’t Harry be allowed to do the same? Plus, he’s just the spare, so it’s not super important that he live  in the thick of things. 

I want to say thank you for everything you do. I have been lucky in my life to never have needed an elective abortion, but a few years ago I had a missed miscarriage, and my options were to undergo a medical abortion or a D&C when it became clear after 2 weeks that my body wasn’t going to expel the fetus on its own. I

It’s gonna be said, so I'll say it...

I mean... this make sense right!? I get Kensington palace is probably massive, but it’s not out of the ordinary to assume that a grown ass man with his grown ass wife would want to move to their own place where they can be a family just the 3 of them rather than being in a palace where their ENTIRE FAMILY also resides.

Prince Harry’s jail is nicer than anywhere any of us will ever live.

I love my extended family, but you couldn’t pay me enough to live with them, even in a palace.

I think my little two bedroom single family home is way nicer than living in that mess of public buildings full of other royals (including that racist bitch Princess Michael) and random ass rich people who can afford the rent there. 🤷🏾‍♀️

Except the Trumps are royal family wannabes, which to me is even worse.

Ugh, dog people.

My kitties are great sleeping partners...until they decide to wake me at midnight to cuddle...then 3am to cuddle...then 5am to eat. Okay, they’re disruptive.

My dog has never once woken my exhausted ass up out of a dead sleep by “accidentally” rubbing his morning wood on my back in a selfish attempt to get laid.

It’s been 6 years since I was in a relationship, and it’s been 12 years since my divorce...the memory of how frequently they ALL try that shit still pisses me off.

Anyone who is “made” to buy jewelry for someone else outside his own free will is an idiot who deserves what he gets.